Safe and Sound | Teen Ink

Safe and Sound

April 24, 2013
By Carsyn Soderstrom BRONZE, Orfordville, Wisconsin
Carsyn Soderstrom BRONZE, Orfordville, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The sun brings joy to some, but not her.
Daybreak is a daily Hell,
A realm where she is forgotten, left to survive
on her own.

Night is different. The moon is her savior, her
blessing in disguise. The pale beams
reach out to her, wrap her in their cool embrace and
wipe away her tears,
take away the pain.

At night, she is anything and everything.
She is a princess and a dragon, a warrior and a child.
She is laughter on the wind and the moonlight on the leaves,
if she wishes to be.

Day is only betrayal. The ones that she trusted,
the ones that she should be able to believe in try to break her, through
hateful blows and cruel indifference.
She sees the face of evil every day, every hour, every
minute, yet she does not give up and slip away.

She does not harden her heart, she
opens it every night to her dreams.
She greets each star like a dear friend, and
joyfully loses herself in her fantasies. Still, she waits for
the day when she can open her eyes
and the dreams
and the happiness
will stay.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem in creative writing class. It is not based on personal experience; it was influenced by a number of books I have read. I sincerely hope that at least one person finds meaning in this poem.


This article has 1 comment.

Landon said...
on May. 17 2013 at 11:49 am
WOWZER not going to lie that was riveting. It had a undertone of subtle soft words when I read it in my head, yet the topic is so far from.