90 is Bigger Than 100 | Teen Ink

90 is Bigger Than 100

October 11, 2008
By ayaman PLATINUM, Tenafly, New Jersey
ayaman PLATINUM, Tenafly, New Jersey
37 articles 12 photos 4 comments

“90 is bigger than 100,” said the man.

“No, it isn’t,” objected the child.

“Yes, it is,” the man replied, in a final tone.

“Did you know that 90 is bigger than 100?” the child said, totally convinced.

“Nah, That can’t be true,” replied the teenager.

“It is, though,” the child said, not a doubt in his mind. “That guy said so,” the child said, pointing towards the grave, old man.

“Have you been telling that kid that 90 is bigger than 100?” the teenager asked.

“Yes, I have,” the man said.

“Why?” the teen asked, now curious about the old man’s motives.

“Because it is,” the man replied, in a final tone.

“90 is bigger than 100,” the teenager shared with his friends.

“What are you talking about?” one asked.

“Is this some sort of riddle?” another inquired.

“No. It’s the truth,” the teen replied. “That old guy over there knows what I’m talking about. Ask him,” he told his friends, pointing towards the grave, old man.

A group of young men approached the old man.

“What did you tell our friend?” one of the teens asked.

“I have told him things,” said the man in a monotonous, bored voice.

“Such as?” another asked, irritated by the nonsense.

“90 is bigger than 100,” the man replied, in a final tone.

Countless numbers of men stood at attention. Black suits, black hats, shaved heads. The old man looked across the vast field. The deep brown dirt that lay beneath the men’s feet was barely visible. As his cold, grey eyes surveyed the men, all he saw was black.

“90 is bigger than 100,” said the man.

“Yes, it is,” the men replied together, in a final tone.

“What is that?” the man asked.

“A new hat,” replied the subject, referring to the new, black hat in his hands.

“It’s different,” the man noted, referring to the grey stitching, as opposed to the black stitching on his old one.

“Only a little,” the subject pointed out.

“90 is bigger than 100,” said the old man.

“Indeed,” the subject responded. He threw out his new hat, put on his old one, and resumed his position on the vast field.

“What’s happening?” the subject who was not wearing his new hat that he threw out asked.

The old man was coughing wildly. “90 is–” the man wheezed. More coughing and heavy breathing was emitted. “–bigger than…” the old man fell to the ground. No one moved, but him. “100,” the man said, with his last breath.

The child’s eyes opened wide. 100 is bigger than 90! He thought excitedly.

“100 is bigger than 90,” said the child.

“Really?” asked the teenager in disbelief.

“Yup,” the child replied, in a final tone.

“100 is bigger than 90,” the teenager shared with his friends.

“Honestly?” one asked.

“No joke?” another inquired.

“It’s the truth,” the teen replied. “That kid over there knows what I’m talking about. Ask him,” he told his friends, pointing towards the spirited, young child.

A group of young men loomed towards the child.

“What did you tell our friend?” one of the teens asked.

“100 is bigger than 90,” the child replied, in a final tone.

Countless numbers of men stood at attention. White suits, white hats, full heads of hair. The young child inspected the vast room. The white linoleum that lay beneath the men’s feet was barely visible. As his bright, blue eyes surveyed the men, all he saw was white.

“100 is bigger than 90,” said the child.

“Yes, it is,” the men replied together, in a final tone.

The author's comments:
Inspired by a couple of really close friends. You know who you are.


This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 29 2009 at 7:14 pm
NorthernWriter, Fargo, North Dakota
0 articles 0 photos 326 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Only dead fish swim with the stream"

I am confused, yet amused.