Live, Love, and Eat Chocolate | Teen Ink

Live, Love, and Eat Chocolate

February 23, 2014
By hellocombie BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
hellocombie BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your VALUES are." -Roy E. Disney

Chapter 1: I Have Officially Eaten Chocolate

I walked into my first period. I had Mr. Ross for language arts. I hated language arts. But, I went to class just because Melanie was there. Melanie’s my best friend—we’ve been friends since kindergarten, and we have done everything together, and I mean everything. Sleepovers, Six Flags, and even the Halloween party and the Dunman’s (they have it every year). She made up “eating chocolate”. It means that you have made and achievement and done something. And so we have also—“Miss Oliver? Your seat is next to Bradley.” I looked at where Mr. Ross pointed. Oh gosh. That’s the kid Melanie was talking about. The hot one who is supposedly a player. But he is hot—I’ll give it to her.

I put my backpack down on the seat. Bradley looked up at me. I kept looking down at my backpack. “Hey.” He said as if I were America’s Next Top Model. “Hi.” I let out the one syllable so sarcastically, I sounded like I had just said the worst speech ever. I felt kinda guilty, but I knew it was just Bradley and it didn’t matter. I took out my notebook and sat down. I knew I had just eaten my first piece of chocolate.

Chapter 2: Bradley and Me

Bradley was starting to get on my nerves. “Can I borrow a piece of paper?” “Can I have a pencil?” “Can I use your phone?” A. No, you can’t give it back, but you can have a piece of paper. B. No, you cannot have one of my pink mechanical pencils that cost $7 apiece. C. No, you absolutely cannot use my amazing iPhone 5. No way Jose.

He did it every day. Same old Bradley, all the way until Fall Break. He started being really nice around then. I didn’t know if I had eaten something or my brother installed a microchip in my brain, but I started to like Bradley. I swear the school lunch did it to me.

I was on the way to third period. He came up to me (He meaning Bradley). I cringed. What if he found out I liked him? I had only told my hamster, Periwinkle. I tell her everything. “Hey, McKenna.” I turned around. Bradley was smiling. “I was just wondering if, um, you want to go to the movies this weekend with me.” I stared at him like he had boogers running out of his nose. “We are going to go with Emma and Matthew.” Emma and Matthew were the two most popular kids at South Grove Middle School. They had been dating since fifth grade. I mean, who dates in fifth grade?! I stuttered. “Um, yeah, I’ll come.” I had just eaten my second piece of chocolate.

Chapter 3: Melanie

I ran up to Melanie. “BRADLEY JUST ASKED ME ON A DATE!!!!” Now she was the one looking at me like I had boogers running out of my nose. “I thought you hated him. I told you he was a player. He just broke up with Sara, and he’s probably gonna break up with you next!” she told me. I gave her the chocolate look: duck face. Melanie laughed. “Okay, I get it. You like him.” “Duh. I told Periwinkle.” I told her matter-of-factly. “If you told Periwinkle, it must be a big fat chocolate crush.” “Yup. I don’t know how I’m going to tell my mom. Should I just say that the hottest guy in school just asked me out?” “Yes. That’s exactly how you should say it.” Oh great. That’s awesome.

Chapter 4: My Mom Eats Chocolate, Too

I opened the door at my house and left it open. I’m gonna be popular. I’m gonna be popular. I screamed, “MOM! I’m dating BRADLEY!” She ran downstairs and looked at me like I was crazy. I didn’t necessarily think that she would be like that; I had dated other guys before. “McKenna—you are failing language arts. You are not allowed to date until you get your grade up.” Oh shoot. I hadn’t checked my grades in a few weeks, and first semester report cards are coming out soon. I have to get those grades up, or I’ll be anything but cool to Bradley.

I opened my laptop and went to my grades page. I had a 67 in language arts. I couldn’t believe it. I never had to worry about my grades—ever. My eyes started welling up with stinging tears. I grabbed my phone and dialed Melanie’s phone number. “Melanie, I, I….” “Hey McKenna. Can’t talk right now. I’m babysitting my little brother. Bye.” She hung up. I grabbed my sweater and turned it into a towel. A very wet one.

“Hey, McKenna, you okay?” Dad asked. “Yeah, I’m fine.” I hadn’t gotten any homework done and I was still sitting at the kitchen counter with my mascara smearing all over my face. I knew that Bradley was a waste of time. I texted him. Hey Bradley. I can’t date. I’m failing language arts. Anyways, I don’t really want to date. I need to pay more attention to school. It delivered to his phone. Hey McKenna. I know, I’m sorry. I’m failing language arts, too. I’m at a tutor right now. Text you later. Bye. I felt fine now. I’m not dating Bradley anymore, so it’s all good.

Chapter 5: School

I saw Melanie at school. I walked up to her and said hey, but she ignored me. I don’t know why she did it, and I’m hoping that she’s okay. I sat down next to Bradley. He ignored me, too. Why was no one paying attention to me? “Psst. Caroline.” I whispered to the girl next to me. “Yeah?” “Um, have you heard about anyone saying anything about me?” I swallowed hard. “Yes. Rumor has it that you cheated on Bradley. He posted it on his Instagram.” I looked over at Bradley, then looked back at Caroline. “Thanks.”

I looked back over at Bradley, and he was looking at me. “McKenna, why would you do something like this to me?” he said. “What did I do? You were the one who claimed I did it when you were the one who was cheating on me. With Melanie.” Melanie had texted me last night and told me she wasn’t babysitting, but she was at the movies with Emma, Matthew, and Bradley. Melanie said she was really sorry, but, of course, I didn’t buy it. I walked up to Mr. Ross and told him I didn’t feel good and had to go home. He signed my agenda and I called my mom. She came and picked me up five minutes later.

Chapter 6: No Forgiving

I called Melanie. She cried, too. She said she was really sorry that she did that to me. I couldn’t believe that she would. Melanie was my best friend since forever. I told her I was sorry, too. She said that no apologies were necessary from me to her, since she was the one that caused it. I cried and told Melanie that we were best friends no matter what. She said so, too. I finally felt good.

I called Bradley and told him that he was good for nothing and a big fat cheater. He really was a player. I hated him for it. I hung up after that big load had been lifted off of my shoulders. It felt good.

When I walked into school the next day, I asked Mr. Ross if I could have my seat changed to sit next to Melanie. “Of course.” he replied. I smiled. I walked over and plopped my butt into the empty seat next to Melanie. We did our chocolate faces. All was good in the world of chocolate.

The author's comments:
I got inspired by my, and other people's, middle school experience. This is a very short novel, and I hope you like it!

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