Carrie book report | Teen Ink

Carrie book report

March 8, 2014
By Sam12 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Sam12 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Stephen King, in his novel Carrie, Carrie White,senor in high school,is shy,awkward and gets bullied at school;however,she has insightful powers(she can move things).She is the only child of her mother,Margaret White,who is abusive and religious.Carries mother yet has not told her what a period is.
Carrie has her first period in gym class and assums she is bleeding to death;therefore,she pleeds her classmates for help.Instead,they throw napkins and tampons at her.Carrie's mom,Margaret White,beats her and puts her in a closet telling her to "Pray for forgviness".Sue Snell,senor in high school,asks her boyfriend,Tommy Ross,to take Carrie to prom because she feels remorse to what she did to Carrie in gym.Later on Carrie finds out she has powers, she goes to prom with Tommy and a big tragety happens;she kills high school students including her gym teacher.
In my opinion I love this book, because this book is insightful it has drama and horror which grabs my attention.My favorite part was when Carrie came to the point where she couldnt take it anymore, she was exausted of bieng bullied and humliliated;she kills high school students including her gym teacher for laughing at her when some kids dumped pig blood on her.However,at the end I would like to change it and say that Carrie moved to a other state.The least part I liked would be when the girls were throwing tampons at Carrie when she first got her period.
I cant relate to Carrie,because she has powers.Although,I was bullied in first grade but just for a couple of weeks and I just told my mom so she stopped.However,Carrie was being bullied for a long time by several kids.

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