Unreal Calmness | Teen Ink

Unreal Calmness

March 21, 2014
By Isa H BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Isa H BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My dainty fingers, with nails painted soft pink, skimmed the surface of the bubbly water. I stood before the huge bathtub, my feet resting on the grassy ground. The tub was placed in the middle of a huge meadow full of beautiful flowers soaking in the sun’s warmth. A gentle breeze floated through the field, and delicate butterflies fluttered in the tranquil air. I unwrapped myself from the plush towel and gently slipped into the balmy water. My body drifted to the bottom, leaving only my head above the surface. Fragile bubbles, smelling of coconut, kissed my neck. When I rested my head on the tub’s edge, bubbles tiptoed farther up my neck. I closed my eyes and embraced the toasty sun, allowing the sweet scented water to flush away all tension.

With my eyes shut, I whispered hushed prayers. I was overcome with a sense of calm, and I prayed that I would never wake up. The only peace I was ever able to find was in my dreams. I didn’t have lucid dreams such as this one often. They only occurred when the real world became too difficult, too tiresome, too trying. I guess I just desperately needed a break, so much that my brain had no problem ignoring actuality. I am fully willing to escape reality when places as gloriously restful as this are alternatives, I thought.

The warmth of the water encompassed me for hours, days, forever. When as comfortable as I was, time was fluid, and keeping track of it was not of import. I just chilled and freed myself of any negativity. The water seemed to seep deep into my skin, it’s calmness and warmth slipping through my pores. The serenity pulsed through my veins and swept away all distress. I was brushed and coated with profound tranquility, one that reality never possessed. Eventually, I glided out of the tub and onto the fertile grassland once more. I curled up in the white towel and began walking. The lush green grass tickled my bare feet as I embarked on a serene walk to anywhere at all.

Water trickled from my damp hair onto my tiny toes. Birds sang lovely tunes, their calls perfectly pitched. I took one step at a time, no specific destination on my mind. It grew cooler, however my towel kept me cozy. I sauntered farther and farther away from the tub, so much that it was too far away to make out. I eventually became weary of wandering, so I gently laid my towel on the grass. I stretched out across the fleecy white rectangle with my eyes wide, admiring the sky. I watched the blazing sun diminish to a distant red glow. The sky, previously an alluring blue, was sprinkled with white clouds and pink veins. The majestic expanse looked like it had been painted with cotton candy. The glow of the sun eventually diminished, along with the clouds. I was left with a clear black sky, bright white stars sparkling. I gazed up at the dazzling scene, but realized it was probably time to wake up. Reality, the harsh contrast to my dream, was an unavoidable affliction.

Every time I had to wake up from a lucid dream, I needed to pinch my pinky toe. When doing that, I was usually whisked back to my stiff bed in my tiny room. I had no interest in I reluctantly reached forward and squeezed the little thing, but nothing happened.. Again and again I pinched, but I wouldn’t wake up. The stars disappeared and I was left alone with the darkness and a horrifying realization: I was not dreaming.

The author's comments:
We had to write a story based on a tone/mood word we picked from a hat. Mine was 'peaceful.'

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