Memories Never Forgotten | Teen Ink

Memories Never Forgotten

May 13, 2014
By Anonymous

Walking up the stairs, Brianna, heads up to her room after another mundane day. She

opens the door and flings her backpack down on the ground with a thud. She walks over to her

bed and flops down face first into the pillow. She lifts her head up and sighs Another s***** day

to add to my life. Sitting up she grabs her laptop and turns it on. She opens up Itunes and turns on

some music as she does this her nine year old brother Daniel opens the door.

“Don’t you ever knock” shaking her head in disapproval.

“Sorry sissy, just making sure you’re here.”

“Where else would I be.”

“I don’t know, I love you breezer.”

“Yeah okay” Daniel sinks his head and turns around. He walks out the door and closes it

silently like he was never there.

Time passes slowly for Brianna, she decides to look through old photos. she opens up

a scrapbook that was given to her as a Christmas present a year earlier. Daniel, Daniel oh look

another picture of Daniel, even if Brianna was in the picture Daniel would always be the center

of attention. She keeps flipping through looking until she comes across one special photo. She

takes it out of the plastic sheath and holds it in her hand. The picture was taken at McDonalds

the day that she met her adoptive parents, the picture was of Brianna blowing bubbles, and in

the foreground was half of a figure in the left side of the picture. That figure was the only thing

Brianna could focus on. The figure was her mom, Katy, she brushes her finger down the left side

of the picture, caressing it.

*Knock knock* Brianna slips the photo underneath her pillow

“Come in.”

“ How was your day?" Michel, Brianna's adopted mother asks.

Brianna just looks at her computer.

“ It was okay.”

“Only okay.”

“Yeah just boring.”

“Are you okay.”

“Yeah, I'm just tired.”

“Get to bed early tonight then.” she turns around closing the door behind her. Brianna

takes out the photo again and just stares at it, all the memories flooding back.

“Brianna time for dinner come down and wash your hands” Michel calls from the bottom

of the stairs.

“I’m not hungry right now, I'll eat later” Brianna still holding the picture of her and her

Daniel knocks on the door “Sissy diner time.”

“I know I'm not eating” Brianna hears Daniel’s footsteps as they head down the stairs.

Brianna plugs in her headphones to drown out the world around her, she puts the picture in the

bottom left hand side of the screen and starts to surf the web.

*knock knock* Brianna closes her computer screen “Come in.”

Michel comes in with a plate of food for her. “Here is your dinner.”

“Thank you.”

Michel goes in and closes the door and places the plate on the foot of the bed. “Want

anything to drink.”

“No thanks.”

“Okay, well, take your dishes down when you’re done I'm heading to bed.”

“ Okay” Michel walks out the door and closes it.

Brianna open back up her computer screen, she turns on music. a song pops into her

head, it was her moms favorite song. Brianna looks it up and starts playing it, as soon as she

hears the first note her eyes start to tear up. The song was half way done and Brianna was crying

silently to herself.

Daniel open the door “Goodnight si-oh sissy why are you crying?”

Brianna pauses the song and wipes away the tears. “Goodnight, it doesn't matter get some


“But sissy I want you to be happy.”

“ I am happy” she shows the fakest smile possible.

“I love you breezer.”

“ Yeah you too” Daniel runs and gives her a hug and then runs out the door.

After the door closes Brianna breaks down, tears streaming down her face.

"How can he be so happy? did he forget everything that has happened to us?" She picks

up the picture of her mother and her and kisses it. She plays the song again and rests her head on

the pillow why me, why did this happen to me?

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