When The Sky Turned Green | Teen Ink

When The Sky Turned Green

September 20, 2014
By cocasal GOLD, Centreville, Virginia
cocasal GOLD, Centreville, Virginia
11 articles 3 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"My motto as I live and learn, is dig and be dug in return."--Langston Hughes

My feet patter as I stride across the sidewalk, and the pleasant breeze is levitating my long blonde hair off my shoulders. The birds fill the bright blue sky and their hushed, but pleasant chirps permeate the atmosphere. I peer at the brown building on the corner—which is my house.  My mother, sitting on the front porch, is enjoying the afternoon by investing her time in reading a fiction novel with the company of a glass of lemonade. She sees me strolling towards the house and leaps out of her chair and screams, “Marvelle, what are you doing? You were supposed to come home from school at exactly three o’clock! Hurry up, you are going to be late for your flute lesson!” I fix my bright pink backpack on my shoulders and begin to dramatically increase my walking speed in order to conquer the rest of the dreaded hundred-foot journey without gaining an unhappy mother.
             My feet pound the pavement every second as I try to beat my mother’s definition of being late. I, having not exercised in months, endure about three more inches of running before I decide to give my suffering lungs a break. I drop to the sidewalk and relish a twenty-second break before my mother begins destroying the sound barrier with her yelling. Groaning, I pull myself off the ground, and then, I feel a jolt. I am yanked from the ground and spinning in what feels like a never-ending vortex. My stomach churns and my head feels like it has its own heartbeat as I am being flung in every direction imaginable. The whooshing sound of the wind clogs my hearing, however, I can still make out the treacherous screams and the calamity in the distance. What is happening? My legs are constantly being hurled above causing my body to flip uncontrollably. Faltering about what would greet my vision, I slowly force my eyes open. I am moving at the speed of light and my eyes feel like escaping their sockets. What I see looks like a distortion of colors—identical to the spinners in art class, except this time, the spinner is moving a million times faster and is painted with million more colors. My mind and my body plead for this seemingly never-ending whirlwind of chaos to stop.
           Finally, everything mellows. Although the vociferous screams and cacophony of booms and crashes continue, I am no longer spinning like a pilot flying a fighter plane. I open my eyes and realize that I am falling into a realm of blue--almost identical to the color of the sky. Am I in the ocean? No I cannot be--I would be drowning, not falling. I continue to let myself plunge into this blue hole until I fall to a white, fluffy object. I grasp the object and hold onto it with all of my strength. I look above me and instead of the sky being a beautiful azure color, it is a mass of green and brown. Large structures and tops of four wheeled objects attached to the greenish brown sky stare directly at me. Are the four-wheeled objects cars? No, there are no cars in the sky. That is impossible. I begin to see the components of the structures—bricks, wood, stones—cascade towards me. The four-wheeled objects join them on the journey. However, what catches my eye is the people. People of all different ages—children, infants, and adults--are spilling out from the green sky; It looks like the sky is precipitating everything that is usually on earth.
           In fear of being hit by the sky’s unusual contents, I make a helmet for my head with my free hand—the hand that is not holding on for dear life. The objects are flying at me like bullets. As I protect my head, I do not realize the immense wood plank aiming for my hand clutching the white fluff. The wood plank smashes my hand causing it to gush with blood and experience a stinging sensation. I loose grip of the fluffy object and continue the never-ending fall into oblivion. The green sky becomes smaller and smaller, and this kingdom of blue becomes darker and darker. When the realm of blue turns black, I find myself gasping for air. I am determined to squeeze some oxygen into my lungs, but there are no breaths to take. I feel my eyelids begin to droop and my heartbeat begin to silence. However, before I drift away into darkness, another jolt saves my life. It leads me to the same stomach-churning, organ-paining experience that brought me to the realm of blue.  However, this time, the spinning and flipping cause me to land back on the ground. I smash into the ground with a thud and I see the same happening to others. I look above and the once-green sky is back to a beautiful blue. What happened? Why was it green? There is only one explanation: the world had turned upside down.

The author's comments:

I was thinking about how the world would be if suddenly everything turned upside-down, so I decided to try and live it through writing!


This article has 2 comments.

cocasal GOLD said...
on Sep. 27 2014 at 1:35 pm
cocasal GOLD, Centreville, Virginia
11 articles 3 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"My motto as I live and learn, is dig and be dug in return."--Langston Hughes

Thanks, Annèe! Thank you so much for rating :)

aereach BRONZE said...
on Sep. 27 2014 at 1:30 pm
aereach BRONZE, Lititz, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
Nice job!! Great descriptions, and though I've never been in a tornado, I felt like I was really in one!