wallrunner | Teen Ink


November 14, 2014
By Tra Tymony BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Tra Tymony BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“I’m not going to like this”, I said pulling up to a rusty old gate. I sat there wondering how I’m going to get past this security gate. I was snapped out of my thoughts when the gate opened. I pulled up to the security post expecting to see a security guard all I saw was a shadow move. I hopped out of the car and walked to the security post to say thanks to the guard. When I was in the post all I saw was a dead corpse, I nearly threw up but I somehow managed to keep it down. Whoever did this, or, whatever did this must have covered their tracks well because I saw no foot prints. But the guard must have been protecting something because his hand was covering a key that I assume was for the front door. “What have I gotten myself into”, I said while slowly walking to the front door. I use the key to open the door. Inside was filled with cobwebs and dust; I walked inside and all of a sudden the doors close behind me. I noticed this and I sprinted towards the door and slamming my fists on the door before hearing “wanna play” when I heard that, I had my back against the wall and sliding down to sit and hope that was my imagination sadly, it wasn’t. “I need to find a way out of this house” I somehow managed to get up to my feet and continue on inside the house.” I can do this”.
2 minutes later I found myself running through the house screaming like a crazy person with a mysterious figure following me, and every time I turn to look back nothing was there. I continued to run through the house before I tripped on a chair leg and hurt my ankle.”Oww” I said crawling to a wall to prop myself up on a wall. I felt a cold wind going through my house “oh no” I said before everything went black.

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