Always Lovers... | Teen Ink

Always Lovers...

January 9, 2015
By StellaRoseRex SILVER, Centralia, Washington
StellaRoseRex SILVER, Centralia, Washington
8 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13

walking threw these woods thinking. how can this happen? i walk on in the rain. my white dress soaked. i start running. my bare feet bloodied from the raw ground. sinking to the ground i let out a cry. i cant let him see me like this. i cant let them find me. but, i cant move.i curl up and i cry my self to exhaustion. soft,warm, why? i open my eyes ,to bright. where am i? i sit up slowly. i'm in silk cream white pajamas. the room im in is cream white. even the king size bed was cream colored. i swing my legs over to the side of the bed. my feet are bandaged. jack... oh my precious jack. i start crying. why is he so kind to me? when i cause him nothing but pain. the door opens, i look up and see jack. i look at him , oh how kind he is. how innocent. he walks up to me with 2 long strides and gets on one knee and holds me. hand on my head. hand on my back. pulling me closer. now i know why i love him. he is always there. always waiting. always protecting. always with me.....


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