Drama | Teen Ink


January 14, 2015
By madisongraffin BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
madisongraffin BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have to talk to you right now

No I don’t have time right now i’m super busy just come back in like 20 minutes ill be done

But michelle its about your mom

What? whats going on

She was in a car accident, with a semi truck she went off the edge of the road into a ditch, her car flipped upside down,

(crying, sits down with hands on her face)
What?! Oh my god, is she okay? How is she

(hugging Michelle)
I don’t know they didn’t tell me, all they said was to tell you, the hospital should be calling you soon or someone at least

When I need to know if shes okay

I dont know but if you need to leave you can

(sobbing, mumbling)
K thanks

***Arrives at the hospital***

(kneels on the ground next to her moms hospital bed, jaw drops, hand on her moms head)
Mom, mom talk to me
what happened? MOM!

Her lungs are severely damaged
40% oxygen levels, Doctor Ryan go get me an oxygen tank fast

Michelle: Why is the beeping sounds going so fast? Whats going on?

Doctor: She was hit by a drunk driver of a semi truck

Doctor: Excuse me ma’am we need you to exit the room immediately you’re mom is going to be okay, she needs to have surgery or she will lose too much blood

Michelle: (shaking and stuttering) ook,

Doctor: Trust me ma’am she is going to be ok, we see these incidents all the time. Have a seat in the waiting room, this should not take more than 45 minutes

Michelle: (Walks towards waiting room slowly and shaking. Starts talking to her husband on the phone)

Brian: Honey shes going to be okay, I know its not hard to think about but they deal with accidents like this all the time, they have everything under control.

Michelle: (stopped crying, nods her head)

**Surgery is done**

Doctor: Michelle, Brian, if you would like to step in the room for a moment you are welcome to

Michelle: Hey mom how are you feeling

Mom:(half sleeping) well I can’t feel anything so I feel good i guess

Michelle: (walks closer to the hospital bed) Why weren’t you paying attention to the truck

Mom: I was he came out of nowhere, going very fast. He tried switching to the right lane and obviously didn’t see me

Michelle: Oh my god that is horrible, people are so careless these days and too busy paying attention to their phones and other things

Mom: I know, I almost had a heart attack when my boss told me what happened. I’m just happy you’re okay

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