Recipe for a Strong Relationship | Teen Ink

Recipe for a Strong Relationship

January 5, 2016
By marycatea GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
marycatea GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

pound of loyalty
pound of trust
truckload of support
heap of happiness
mound of laughter
lifetime supply of love
enormous amounts of kisses
slice of movie time
pocketful of fun
2 inches of arguments
4 inches of getting through it
3 cartons of dinner dates
8 bouquets of flowers

To begin a strong relationship, you must include a pound of loyalty and a pound of trust. This will be important later. Next, you’ll need a truckload of support, with a heap of happiness. Following that is a mound of laughter with a lifetime supply of love-- including the enormous amount of kisses. 3 cartons of dinner dates, with a slice of movie dates. There will also be 2 inches of arguments, so make sure you use the 4 inches of getting through it. Following that, you must include the 8 bouquets of flowers. Finally, the last ingredient is the pocketful of fun. If each ingredient is used each day, the strong relationship will last a lifetime.


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