To Stand Up | Teen Ink

To Stand Up

March 17, 2016
By TheGreatOne BRONZE, Miami, Florida
TheGreatOne BRONZE, Miami, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 Once upon a time, in a world much like our own, although a little bit smaller, there was a small colony of ants, of around 20 of them. The land was peaceful, and the colony and its ants went about collecting and stocking their food as normal, hoping for it to eventually grow large. Jack, a rather young worker ant, the smallest of the colony, was collecting his share of the bits of leaves as usual. It was rather early in the morning, and he may feel a very smooth breeze in the trail he was taking back to the colony.
When he was near the colony, he was met by Terrence, the beetle. Terrence was a very large, scary looking fellow, larger than any bug Jack had seen. It was this Terrence which had stopped him.
“Oh, I see you have brought me some food,” Terrence said in a threatening tone.
Jack, being a bit far from him, and around a few other ants, pretended not to hear that, and trodded along. Terrence came closer, and got in his way. The other ants moved right along, and it was only them two.
“Green leaves, my favorite!” said the beetle.
“What is it Terrence?” Jack questioned.
“Well, it has been a while since I last ate, and what you are carrying, seems most appetizing. I would love it if you could give it to me.”
“No Terrence, we have already given you tribute, like every other colony: 500 leaf pieces. And you really eat much more than you really should. Now please, I really have to get back home,” Jack responded rather softly.
Terrence now got even closer, almost starting to push against him, now revealing his much larger, and intimidating character to the poor ant.
“I’m sorry? Were you confused, or is my hearing so bad, I literally just heard you say you will not hand me the leaf piece?” Terrence asked menacingly.
“N-no, sir,” replied Jack, now frightened, “here you go, the leaf piece.”
The spoiled beetle did not even grab it, he simply chewed it off Jack’s hand. The poor ant was then allowed to walk away. He did, and moved very quickly, trying hard to keep his cool.
The next day soon dawned, with the morning much like the last, yet this time, the colony was met by Terrence outside their door hole. Jack, up bright and early as usual, was stopped by this threatening character.
“Oh is it you again my friend? Of course it is! You know why I’m out here today?” questioned the intimidating character.
“N-no, sir,” Jack replied.
“Oh no? The tribute you so kindly reminded me of yesterday? You do know how difficult it is to go looking for food during the winter, right? So, where is it?!”
“Yet Terrence, we have already given you the tri-“
“I’m sorry, I cannot hear you because I’m deaf! What did you really say, kind friend?!?!” cut Terrence, loudly, and with a tone of threat and hate.
“Yes of course! Yet we do not exactly have the tri-“
“Mphmmmmmmmm….,” cut Terrence once more, and he turned around to say, “3 days, then that’s it!” and he walked away.
Jack immediately went down to let the queen know of Terrence’s ultimatum. They would all have to work much harder, and faster than they have ever before for these next 3 days, struggling to meet the demand. On the 2nd day however, they were met by an older, much more relaxed beetle, known as Arnold. He had known of what was going on with the ants and Terrence, and had tried to give some advice to the ants as they were working. He had seen this lone worker out on a stray leaf off the tree, and approached him.
“I heard of what is happening between your colony, and Terrence, the beetle,” opened Arnold.
“Yes?” questioned the ant.
“Well, I have dealt with this before, with much bigger creatures – spiders to be exact. The spiders of the land of treaded grass.”
“Ok, yet you are a beetle, and a spider is not much bigger than you are,” stated the worker.
“No, not at all, those beasts were thrice my size, and have stolen from me all the time, yet you known what I did, young ant?” questioned Arnold.
“What did you do?” asked the young ant.
“Quite simply, I have refused to let them walk all over me, and I stood up for myself. The reality is, those thugs, or thug, no matter how much bigger they are than you, will never actually hurt you. In fact, they are the most cowardly of them all, using fear to control others. I stood up for myself, and ya’ know what happened?”
“They went away, and I never saw them ever again.”
After a while of talking, the ant and beetle decided it was time to part.
“I see, thank you sir, goodbye now!” said the young worker, and he began to head for the colony.
“Your welcome, yet now, what is your name, sir, before you leave?” questioned the old bug.
And they parted. Time moved quickly after that, and on the third day, the ants found themselves 200 leaf pieces short, and all hid in their home, hoping Terrence would not find them, except for one – Jack. He went out, and confronted Terrence. Terrence would ask for the tribute…
“No,” said Jack, strongly this time.
Terrence would threaten Jack.
“My answer does not change,” replied the young ant.
This would go on for a few minutes, and the rest of the ants which are hiding have been listening to the confrontation the whole time. They then notice how Terrence is not going for Jack. In fact, they see how Terrence is afraid to make that move. He threatens, yet only gets angrier, and nothing happens. They then decide to stand by Jack.
“What is this?!?!” asked Terrence, loudly, and angrily.
“It is our answer to your threats: no,” answered Jack.
“Look, I’m warning you!” said Terrence once more.
Other ants now gathered around Jack, and Terrence, realizing this is a lost cause:
“Ok, ok, ok, ok, okeeyyyyyy!” and he ran away, never to return.
The colony had then kept its leaf pieces, and in a short while, grew to one of hundreds, Jack was remembered for his bravery, for standing up for himself, and everyone else. He has later went back to Arnold, the old beetle, and thanked him for his advice and life lessons, for in life, the winners are those who are wise enough to listen to good advice and learn from it.

The author's comments:

Due dates rock!

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