Scientists Perspective on Vaping | Teen Ink

Scientists Perspective on Vaping

March 31, 2016
By mynameisntkyle BRONZE, Emperor, California
mynameisntkyle BRONZE, Emperor, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

      After months of rumor and speculation, scientists at NASA have finally confirmed that vaping is indeed, very cool. In a report released Saturday the space agency stated, “In all experiments and tests, the new smoking technique proved itself totally dope.”

     “Without a doubt, it’s one of the chillest fads we’ve ever encountered.” Said Travis Willcoffer, head of NASA’s research division. “I mean, it took a lot of pineapple flavored nicotine and humorous pipe designs to decide if it earned its place, but now we feel quite confident.”

     “ Maybe it’s something about the odorless smoke. I don’t know man, I’m just glad it’s getting the recognition it deserves,” said an 11 year old vaping enthusiast when told of the report.

     The announcement received some criticism after outside sources pointed out the the same research team once said that baggy pants and the word tight were also cool. Both of these were later confirmed as definitely uncool. For now, however, it seems vaping is totally radical.

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