Serra | Teen Ink


April 12, 2016
By Ereen BRONZE, Negeri Sembilan, Other
Ereen BRONZE, Negeri Sembilan, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     Serra is my friend and she is cat lover.She always feed stray cat with food scrapings from her meal.She always be kind to animals especially cats.Her loves for cats is uncountable.But,one day,something has happen to her and it is related to cat.

     Last month,on Friday,Serra and her family went back to their hometown.Their hometown is located far from their house.So,they start their journey in the morning and they arrived at their hometown in the night.Serra greeted her grandparents with a smiley face eventhough she was tired and sleepy.Her grandmother noticed her tiredness so she asked Serra to sleep early.Serra just smile to her kind grandmother.

     The next morning,after Serra and her family breakfast together,Serra asked her parents permission to take a walk around the hometown.At first,her parents was doubt to let her walk alone but the hometown is a safe place.So,they gave permission to Serra but they told her to come home early.Serra was happy and she take her walk with a nice,relax and calm feelings.

      When she was walking around,she saw a cat fighting with a dog across the street.Serra just keep watching the fight but suddenly,the cat walked away from the dog and it wanted to cross the street.Serra walked near the cat but there was a car that was so fast going on the way to the cat.Serra was shocked and she looked at the driver.The driver was playing his telephone in the car without noticing what happen on the outside.

       After Serra knew about the driver,she run to the cat that was at the middle of the street.Serra run as fast as she can to help the cat from being in an accident.Luckily, Serra saved the cat from the car.The car was damaged after that because the car hit the nearest tree.Fortunately,Serra was not injured or hurt anywhere.The cat was also not injured.

        After that,Serra went back to her grandparent's house.She told her family the whole story about the cat.They all felt so proud because Serra was brave enough to help a cat that was nearly involving an accident.Serra was so happy because what she did is the right thing that sholud be done by everyone.

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