Posed | Teen Ink


May 27, 2016
By YRN_JaSean BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
YRN_JaSean BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
hard work beats talent

Larell woke up from a bad dream which he been having for the past weeks.
         “Dad I had a bad dream again.” Larell told his dad.
In the morning Larell dad called a therapist to convince him that what he is dreaming about is not real. 2 hours later the therapist arrives at Larell house. The therapist knocks on the door. Larell dad opens the door then asks if the therapist would like some water. The therapist walks in Larell room in sits down and ask him what he is dreaming.
         “What are you dreaming about the therapist?” Asked.
         Larell would not answer. The therapist then asked Larell dad why is he not talking. “Because his mom got killed in a car accident last year he hasn’t talked to anyone but me since. Larell dad then went in Larell room and said “talk Larell it’s the only way we can help you.”
         The therapist goes back in the room and asked again what you are dreaming about. “I ‘am dreaming about demons saying there going to kill me.”
The therapist froze in silence. Then he got up and walked out the room to talk to Larell dad.
         “That boy has a demon in him I met someone like him 3 years ago and I’m not going back to the underworld.” The therapist said in fear.
“Well can you doing something to help my son.” Larell dad said.
“No.” The therapist answered.
The therapist left the house. Larell dad had to think of something to do so he can help his son from what he is going through. Larell dad starts looking in phone books about demons. A few hours later Larell dad called demon expert to see if he can help and get the demon out of Larell. Later that night Larell start screaming. Then Larell dad ran to Larell room but the door would not open. So then Larell dad ran into then it opened. When he had opened the door Larell was in the air stiff as a table. Larell dad jumped on Larell bed and gapped so he can try in cool down. But, it got worst everything in Larell room start flying around.
         Larell dad then said “you can fight the demon inside of you.”
Larell then stopped everything fell down with the room all messy. But things got bad Larell couldn’t wake up he was in a coma. The next morning the demon expert arrived but he could not do anything because he was in a coma. The demon expert said it would be better to take him to a hospital. Larell dad did not take him to the hospital because they can’t do anything with him but wait into he wakes up.
         Later Larell dad called the therapist and asked “can you please help me in my son he is in a coma can you bring him back and he is turning into a shade of black.” He said while he was crying.
         Then the therapist thought for a second and said “I will be there.”
Later that day the therapist arrived at the house. The therapist knocks on the door and Larell dad lets him in. “O god” the therapist said.
Larell is almost fully posed we have to hurry. Then Larell dad in the therapist forms a circle and hold Larell hands. “Don’t let go of our hands we will be trapped in the underworld.” The therapist says.
The therapist then says “let me get into this child body let me try to get the demon out.”
The therapist opens his eyes and is in a building where there were no people there. The therapist needed to find Larell quick. While walking through the building he heard someone say “Help me!” really loud and a sad voice. Soon he taught that must be Larell. He followed the sound of the voice and soon found Larell in a cage. “Larell can you get out?” the therapist asked.
         “NO!” Larell yelled.
The therapist then tried to find something that could break the cage. The therapist could not find anything. The therapist had to think he then said “you’re going to have to try to get to your world from this cage close your ey…” The therapist could not finish he got hit in the head by someone or something which then knocked him out. The therapist then woke up in a dark room with Larell with his hands chained upped. But Larell chains were kind of loose so he may be able to get his hands out. A man with a suit approached them he looked human but wasn’t. He had red horns sticking out his head. When the man came up to them he said “you will not return to your world.”
“Why not?” The therapist said, and a frightened.
         “Because you should have not came to this world. You should have just let me keep the boy.” The man said.
         “Are you a demon? Why are you doing this?” the therapist asked.
         “Yes and because it’s my job. I need at least 1 posed body”
While all that was happening Larell was able to get his hands out the chains. Then Larell started to get the therapist hands out. Then the therapist made a deal “since you need a posed body that mine.”
Larell then got the therapist hands out. The demon then said “deal.”
         The therapist then said “OK RUN!”  Larell and the therapist ran out the door down the stairs. Soon they realized that they lost the demon. Soon they got to the place where the therapist first started at. But when they got there the demon was there waiting.
         “You think you can get away that easy. Now both of you are dead   
         “You go I stay” the therapists said.
         “How will I get back?” Larell asked
         “Close your eyes and think of getting back to your world.”
Larell did that and was back and his world. Larell and his dad was back together.
         “Where is the therapist?”  Larell dad asked
         “He stayed to fight the demon.” Larell said in a low voice.
Then Larell dad felt sorry for the therapist because he risked his life to save his son.
The therapist found a weapon to fight with it had a sharp blade like a sword. The therapist then charged at the demon but then the demon just disappeared out of nowhere.  The therapist waited a second in then the demon hit him in the head. The demon did the same thing over and over again into the therapist would not be able to fight. Soon the therapist was down he could not get up. The demon then grabs him by his hair and said “do you have any last words?”

Then the therapist said “yea you’re dead.” The therapist stabs him in the stomach with the sharp thing. The demon then froze in started to drop back on the ground. Then the therapist said “What are your last words?”
The demon said “don’t worry I will be back and get you in the boy ha-ha.”
Then the demon turned into ash. The therapist then closed his eyes in went back to his world Larell and his dad were in the front room holding the therapist hands  waiting to see what happens. The therapist then open his eyes and said “You thing I wasn’t going to return.”
Then Larell came up to the therapist and said “thank you.”
That night they took the therapist to the hospital to see if anything was wrong but the doctor said it would be best to stay here for the night. The next morning the therapist woke up with breakfast in bed and with a thank you card for saving Larell. A few years passed there were no sign of demons, no nothing, just a normal life .The End


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