A Glass Heart | Teen Ink

A Glass Heart

May 28, 2016
By madachu BRONZE, Pasadena, California
madachu BRONZE, Pasadena, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A Glass Heart

The words hit him in the face like a slap, leaving a burning laceration on his heart. She walked away, just like that, as if he never mattered to her. Her crimson stained lips and waves of chestnut brown hair flashed in front of his eyes, but it was only a mirage. The owls hooted repeatedly, as if contemplating his loss. The stars winked at him cruelly, blinking rapidly in the ink black sky. The emotions that were once hidden by a dam were now crashing down on him: guilt, sorrow, anger, and ... loneliness. He felt as if someone had stabbed him in the heart and was twisting the blade vigorously. He felt as if half of his heart was gone, the other half of her. His loud sobs echoed through the deserted park, where they had first met. The night sky closed on the man with a fragile glass heart, now shattered, the blood still fresh on the wound. 

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