The life of Troy | Teen Ink

The life of Troy

June 6, 2016
By Tukie98 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Tukie98 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Troy Haven
19 years old
Eyes Hazel
Physical appearance tall and slinky
He wears Pirate clothing
He lives in Alaska. Very cold
His Bedroom very junky
Always looking in circles
Talk fast and at the end he slow down
Happiest moment was becoming a pirate
Hobby swimming, riding in water
Spying on things
Easily angered
Getting loud when he’s upset
When the ship is moving too slow
Getting hollered at
Water observing new things
Riding fast in water
He doesn’t know them
He never wanted to be a pirate
He enjoyed being a pirate once he became one
He’s very observing and always watches his surroundings
Easily angered
Bar B Que Chicken
The smell of clear nail poish
Once had a lizard
Becoming an pirate
Slipping off of the ship

The author's comments:

This Biograph is about an character that's in my play. My play is about pirates. From this piece I hope people can get a image of what he looks like.


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