how the bald eagle became bald | Teen Ink

how the bald eagle became bald

November 29, 2016
By thefatrabbit BRONZE, Providence , Rhode Island
thefatrabbit BRONZE, Providence , Rhode Island
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I am beyonce, always.<br /> -micheal scott, the office

After the beginning of time, animals ruled the earth. The fish would freely swim throughout the oceans and ponds, the elephants would roam the plains, and the birds, considered to be the noblest animal of all, flew in the sky, unchecked. All of the animals cared for each other and did deeds of great wealth. All except for the great Eagle.

The Eagle was the strongest of all of the animals. He flew higher than all of the other birds, taunting them to catch him and then laughing. He was adorned with beautiful red feathers and a golden-yellow beak. The other birds whispered about how the red on his feathers on his body were colored that way from the blood of his enemies. The Eagle did not care. He was content with being feared by the others, that would make them just less likely to challenge him.
And the Eagle did have a weakness. A softly blue and red spotted egg which lied in the deepest part of his nest. This egg was prophesized to aid the Eagle greatly in time of great need. The Eagle protected it with his life and hid it among the other relics in his nest.

But, one day, the Eagle did not watch his nest as closely as he thought, and the egg was stolen, precisely by a demon of the underworld, who knew the prophecy and could not allow the eagle to thrive, as he was the only thing keeping the underworld from rising to the surface. After the egg was stolen, the Eagle went crazy with grief. The egg was the one thing he cared about. He flew far and fast to the great god called Shibanti. He threw himself at the feet of the god, and cried,
“Great Shibanti, my egg has been stolen. Please, is there any way that I can redeem myself and get my egg back from whomever has stolen it?” Shibanti sat there and calmly responded. “Eagle, you are just as selfish as you are shallow. But, for this egg, which has been prophesied to help the world in time of great need, I will make an exception. Go to our world’s greatest oceans’ edge. There you will dive in and find a pearl. From there, directions will be given to you. And, if you are offered help, accept it. Now, leave!!!!” thundered Shibanti. The Eagle tripped over himself and flew out of the marvelous palace. As he flew, he wondered to himself why the all-father had said those disgusting things about him. He began to come to a realization when he reached the edge of the world’s largest ocean. “How will I ever breathe long enough to reach the bottom of this deep pool?” he muttered to himself. Then, a robin flew down, perched on a branch and said, “Here is a bag. Take half of your feathers from your neck up and put them in this bag. You will then be able to breathe underwater.” the Eagle said, “Hah! I don’t need the help of a lesser creature.” But then he remembered Shibanti’s words.So the Eagle did as he was told and then dived to the bottom of the ocean, and grabbed the pearl. He swam up as fast as he could, and took a huge gulp of air. He turned to thank the robin, but it had flown away. He then muttered to himself, “Thank you, robin, for teaching me that I do not always know the solution.” Now the Eagle had to find the next location. Suddenly, a chickadee cried out, “Help me, please. My family is trapped by a fox!” The Eagle decided to help this chickadee in need. His very sight scared away the fox. The chickadee family was very grateful. They asked how they could repay him. “Actually, kind chickadees, there is one thing. There is supposedly a map on this pearl. Do you think by any chance you could read it?” the chickadees looked over the map for a second, and then all spoke at once. “Eagle, you must fly to the tallest mountain in the world. Below it, you will find the deepest cave. Travel to the depths of the cave, in which you will find the pearl.” The Eagle started his steady journey to the mountain, which was easily visible among the clouds. He landed at the bottom of the mountain, and saw the sinister cave. It was pitch black, even in daylight.  The Eagle started to worry. “How will I ever get to the depths of the cave? It is far too dark and far to scary!” exclaimed the eagle. A wren fluttered down and spoke clearly, “ Eagle, you must take the second half of your head feathers and place them in the bag. Only then will you be able to travel into the cave.” the Eagle said, “you are crazy, Wren!” and then caught himself. He remembered the all-father’s words. “I will do it, Wren.”He took the second half of his feathers and put them in the bag. He then dived into the cave and was not only able to see, but was given the courage to get the pearl. He grabbed the pearl, flew out of the cave and asked the Wren for directions. “Eagle, that was your last item. You must now travel to the forest and conjure a portal to the underworld to get your egg back.” then, the wren disappeared. The Eagle flew to the forest, and created the portal out of the stones and his feathers. The all-father appeared right as the eagle was going to go through the portal. He held a helm of white metal He said, “Eagle, take this helm. It will protect your bare face from the fires of the underworld.” then disappeared.  The Eagle jumped through the portal.
The Eagle was barraged and doused in fire the second he stepped in. his beautiful red feathers on his body began to turn brown. The helm started to melt on his face. He appeared to be in some sort of throne room, but it was vacant. He located the egg to be on the other side of the room. He flew across the room, despite his burning feathers. He grabbed the egg and quickly flew back through the portal. He appeared in Shibanti’s palace. He cried out, “Shibanti, you have guided me well, but I am dying. Please, let my death not be so in vain and guard this egg for me!” just then, the egg hatched, with over a million little eagles in it. Shibanti said, “Eagle, I will not protect your eagles for you, because you will live to do so yourself.” Shibanti waved his hand at the eagle, and the helm turned into beautiful white feathers from his neck up, and his burning feathers on his body became sleek brown feathers. Thanks were exchanged between the Eagle and Shibanti. The Eagle became the grand Eagle overseer and can be seen today in all eagle parents, teaching their children about how the robin, the chickadee and the wren gave eagles courageousness, bravery, selflessness, and the most important trait of all, how to listen to others.
And that is how the bald eagle became bald.

The author's comments:

this is a myth I wrote

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