An interesting Christmas | Teen Ink

An interesting Christmas

December 9, 2016
By swagwarrior87 BRONZE, Broomfield, Colorado
swagwarrior87 BRONZE, Broomfield, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a snowy cold night in New York City, And the Watsons were all warm and cozy  in their room In the Pearl Plaza. You see they aren't any ordinary family they live in the Pearl plaza on the 4th floor and they have lived at the Pearl plaza for 8 years and moved from their house on Cherry Creek Avenue last August. The Pearl plaza was busy getting ready for Christmas next week as well as the Watsons Watson parents have 10 year old twins named Anna and Molly. They go to South park elementary school and are in 5th grade “ Mommy Anna and i are wondering if you are coming to our winter bash on friday” Molly says “ I will try honey i know your teacher needs help supervising kids but christmas is such a busy time of year so i will have to see i have outfits picked out for you to for the party and Christmas Molly i got you a Cute little shirt with a christmas tree and a little black skirt and you have your black flats you can wear and Anna i got you a cute shirt with a christmas pug and red pants and you have your little cute buckle up black shoes”. “Mommy can you make our hair look cute”? “ yes i will do my best” the girls go into the living room to turn on a cute little christmas movie there mother Mia bought them it was called Strawberry shortcake's berry merry Christmas “ Girls i’m going to put your new movie on for you because your father and i need to finish decorating the room”. Later that night the Watsons walked down stairs to go to the evening buffet that the Plaza served daily Breakfast, lunch and dinner every day buffet style “ girls do you wanna grab your little gift bag for Hubbert” ? the twins  put together a cute little gift sack with candy canes all flavors,  a cute little card that had rudolph on it and a little ornament that said  Merry Christmas from the Watsons all wrapped in sparkly red and green tissue paper and placed nicely in a red bag with a big white bow on the front. “Yes Mommy Anna you go grab it it's on the counter” Molly said later as the family settled down into dinner Mia told the girls they could go give their bag to Herbert “ Lucas will you go grab my sweater from the room”? Mia said “sure honey where is it”? “ laying on my nightstand” “Okay” Mia took the girls around the buffet tonight the main thing they were serving was Pizza “okay girls grab a plate, a tray and napkin and your silverware” there was so many foods to pick from from fruit to veggies and dip to Mac and cheese,  Pizza, steak , Chicken strips and mashed potatoes. They open the desert area after 7 it's 6:00 o'clock and the family is settling into dinner Hubert comes over to their table and thanks the girls for the gift bag and asked them what they want for Christmas “girls tell Hubert what you want” Mia said “i want a doll house” said Molly “i want a talking Kelly the new doll” said Anna “ thats cool im sure santa will deliver those next week on christmas eve well i will let you guys finish dinner i was supposed to go around to every table and tell them that desert is key lime pie and others but that's the main desert”. “ okay thank you Herbert” Mia said “ alright girls  your mother and i  got you an early christmas present” Lucas said he handed the girls the small boxes they ripped off the paper and opened the box 2 shiny round ball looking things sat in the box “ Mommy what are they”? The girls said “these are snow globes take it out and look inside” there was a snowman in one and rodolph in the other the girls tipped the snow globes upside down and snow went all around it in a circle. “ these are so cool said the girls thank you mommy thank you daddy”! “ okay let's put those back in the box and go get some dessert the girls ended up picking the worms in the mud it was vanila ice cream with mashed up oreo bits and 5 gummy worms after they ate desert the said goodnight to Herbert and walked back up to the room. “Girls you have your party tomorrow so let's get baths and pajamas on and i will lay out your clothes. After they took their baths and got  ready for bed Mia read them a shot christmas story called frosty the snowman and turned off the lights and said goodnight. The next day Mia woke the girls up to get all cute for school  it was monday that meant Christmas was on wednesday and today was the last day of school before break “ rise and shine girls time to get dressed so i can do your hair i brought up orange juice and cereal to eat as i’m doing your hair” Lucas came into the room and wished the girls a good day then went off to work he works at a Car company Lamborghini. Sometimes the girls get to visit and they get candy. “ okay Anna your first come sit at the table and eat your breakfast” after Anna was done it was Molly’s turn she was already done with breakfast so she got to play on Mia”s phone” Alright let's walk downstairs to the Shuttle. Once they arrived at South park Elementary Mia told them she will be back a few minutes before the party “okay girls i am bringing cupcakes to your party” Mia said. Once she dropped off the girls she went back to the room and finished decorating the room with christmas decor. She turned on the TV to the daily news and saw some breaking news people have reported a mysterious creature Mia stopped  what she was doing  and looked at the TV The news caster said that there is an unusual mountain looking thing up in the mountains and it had a strong stench coming out of it and to not go up to that part of the mountains anytime soon. After Mia finished putting up the rest of the decorations she quickly grabbed the box of colorful christmas cupcakes and rushed to the school the party was going to start in 5 minutes. She arrived at  the school and walked into the main office to get a visitor badge then walked into room 233 that was the  twins classroom when she got into the classroom the kids were sitting on the floor her teacher was talking to them about rules so the party wouldn't get out of hand there were already 5 parents there each with something for the party 1 mom brought more decorations to decorate the classroom another mom brought some veggies and fruit for the snack table and a few other people brought goody bags for the children that had stickers and bubbles and cute christmas stickers. Once the teacher was done the children got up and went to their station there were 4 stations Cookie making, Christmas craft, Word searches and puzzles, and christmas face painting. Once the party was over it was time to go home the morning was spent doing some classwork and watching a christmas movie the children either went up to their parents to go home or went aftercare to wait for their parents to come and get them. “hi girls how was school”? “Good” they said “so how would you girls like if we went back to the room and made some popcorn and watched christmas movies till dad came home” Mia said  “that sounds fun” the girls said once they got back to the Pearl plaza they checked in with Hubert for mail and stuff “good afternoon Hubert do we have any mail or packages”? Mia said “in fact you do 2 large Packages and a few cards i will have it sent up to your room in no time” Hubert said “great!” Mia said. Once they got up to the room the girls put their backpacks in their room and Mia made popcorn “do you girls want a candy cane? I bought Cherry, Sweet hearts, and regular peppermint” “Cherry” Molly said “Sweethearts” Anna said “okay before i put a movie on i need to discuss something with you today on the news there was a weird creature spotted in the mountains apparently it is green and skinny and can talk you girls don't need to worry about this because we don't go into the mountains often but i'm just letting you girls know” Mia said. Before the movie was turned on Mia turned the news back on the news casters had footage of the Mountain and the Activity inside it was a big cave that was dripping wet with Sulfur water and had a stench to it along with a bed and a bunch of other nasty furniture. As the family was playing the Grinch was in his house sitting on his ripped up recliner chewing beer bottles and thinking to himself “i really hate christmas everything about it in fact and i’v got a plan to ruin it Max we have got to plan this out”. Max was the grinch's dog Max stood up on all 4 paws and whimpered “ohhh Max we don't have time for dilly dallying we have got to take everyone's stuff and i know the perfect place” the Grinch and Max went outside of the Cave and walked further to the big object behind his house he took off the tarp and what was standing was A sleigh it had 200 Horsepower and Full gas. “Okay max we need a stick and a red nose you're going to be Rudolph Christmas Eve is tomorrow and we need a plan i say once everyone settles down and goes to sleep we get into the sleigh with my santa costume and your Rudolph costume with the Big red bag and fly down to the Pearl Plaza and take everyone's stuff so they will wake up with Nothing.”  Meanwhile back at the plaza The girls are watching Elf it is about 6:00 PM and Lucas is getting home “hi girls how was the party”? Lucas said “it was so fun daddy mommy bought cupcakes and we played games and watched movies” Anna said” “ that great sweety” The family had nothing going on tomorrow except plan the recipe book Mia already had all the ingredients to cook Christmas dinner On christmas eve so it would be all ready for Christmas night. “Alright girls you know the drill down to Dinner Hubert called up this morning and told me Main course was Spaghetti and i know you girls love that.” Mia said The family walked down and got in line the whole family ended up getting Spaghetti that night “ Girls will you do mommy and daddy a favor and help cook tomorrow? We are making dinner for Christmas night“ “Yes Mommy we will” “ i will put on a movie you girls can  watch while we cook and later we will decorate cookies” “Yay” The girls said once they finished dinner they got Carrot cake for dessert and then said goodnight to Hubert and went up to the room to sleep. The next day everyone slept in till 9 Mia got up and made a quick breakfast they didn't have time to go down to the buffet this morning they had to start cooking tomorrow was Christmas “Girls eat quickly we need to cook” after they were finished they started cooking Mia turned on Rudolph's christmas eve and they all cooked till noon ”Lunch break i’m fixing you girls Pizza bites and Broccoli” After they ate Mia rolled out some gingerbread and Sugar cookie dough to make cookies. “Girls please wash your hands and then you can decorate.” There were so many frosting choices to chose from Mia bought the whole rainbow yesterday when she went to the store and got a variety of Christmas sprinkles to. Once all the cookies were decorated the girls got to chose one and eat it before dinner tonights meal was Turkey and mashed potatoes along with greenbeans the Plaza always served a nice meal on Christmas eve “okay girls it's time to go down to dinner “ Mia and lucas said once they got there food Mia and Lucas thanked the girls for being such a great help today and that they needed to get a good night's rest tonight because santa was coming tonight. After they ate dessert which was Sorbet they said goodnight to Hubert ” Goodnight girls Hope santa brings you some cool things” “Santa knows” Mia said. Once they got into their room Mia helped them get ready for bed than read them the night before christmas after she was done she tucked them in “goodnight girls” Back a the Grinch's cave he and Max were preparing for their robbery “ okay Max this is it it's time to get everyone's stuff hop in” the grinch started the sleigh and flew down to the Pearl plaza it was dark inside and everyone was fast asleep “okay max be quiet we will work our way up the plaza getting everything from every roomz”. Once they reached The Wilsons room he sneaked in as quiet as he could and took the tree, Presents Food that they made yesterday and all the decorations. “ okay Max lets get out of here and go back home” The grinch and Max snuck out and flew to The cave. The next day The Wilsons woke up and looked vary upset and confused the girls started crying because there weren't any presents “ Mommy daddy what happened?” “idk honey” Mia turned on the news and looked at the TV Breaking news This mysterious creature snuck into The pearl plaza last night to take everyone's stuff please all stay calm as we are trying  investigate what happened. Lucas and Mia opened there door and found everyone panicking and wondering what happened everyone trailed downstairs no food or anything “ Hubert got onto a chair and told everyone “Okay everyone may i have your attention I know you all are confused and upset but we had a robbery that creature that the news keeps talking about snuck into the plaza and took everything He claims he doesn't like christmas so he wanted to ruin it”. “The plaza has a plan we will cater all day long food from IHoP and the burger joint it may not be the best christmas but we don't need presents or decorations we have each other”. Hubert said that day the whole plaza gathered around and enjoyed each other company ate hamburgers and pancakes Molly and anna walked up to Mia and Lucas “mommy daddy this is the best christmas ever”!!



The author's comments:

Its around the Holidays and i was inspired to write a Christmas piece kinda a different squel to How the Grinch stole Christmas because i love that moive and it sounded fun todo a Sequal. 

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