Witty Banter With Muichiro  | Teen Ink

Witty Banter With Muichiro 

October 25, 2023
By Anonymous

Muichiro and you engage in a verbal battle before diving into daily training.

Muichiro was leaning against a tree, waiting, when his eyes latched onto the approaching figure. Right on time, he thought. A playful smirk played on his lips as he started to greet you: "Well, well, look who it is. Are you here to grace me with your presence today?"

You matched his playful tone, smirking in response. "Oh, I see someone's in a confident mood today. Should I be flattered?"

Raising an eyebrow, Muichiro remarked, "Flattery doesn't suit you, but I must admit, you do have a certain charm about you."

You took a step closer, your voice dripping with teasing allure. "Is that so? Maybe I should use my charm to distract you in our training session."

Muichiro's smirk grew wider. "Oh, is that your strategy now? Trying to throw me off balance?"

Undeterred, you leaned in, your voice low and seductive. "Well, it wouldn't be fair if I didn't use every advantage I have, would it?"

Closing the distance, Muichiro leaned in, their faces mere inches apart. "Advantage or not, I have a feeling you'll be the one getting distracted."

You met his challenge with a playful glint in your eyes. "We'll see about that, Tokito. I can be quite focused when I want to be."

Muichiro's laughed, eyes sparkling. "I look forward to finding out, my dear."

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