Damon | Teen Ink


January 15, 2014
By Destin32 BRONZE, Murphy, North Carolina
Destin32 BRONZE, Murphy, North Carolina
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No matter how much I run, it always seems to be right there in my tail. I run away from fright, and chase what is unknown. I don’t know what it is or what it wants, but for some reason it won’t leave me alone. I woke up in a sense of panic, feeling like it almost got me. Have you ever been afraid of something and you don’t know what it is, although it seems familiar?

My name is Damon I live with my grandparents. My parents died when I was small. Grandpa says it was from a car crash. I’m 16 and go to a small school in Pennsylvania called Dupo. The town is Jackson, population 600. I have two best friends Leo and Max. We’ve been buddies since before we came out of our mothers’ wombs.

One day at school I was talking to Leo and Max about the dreams I’ve been having. They gave me this unbalanced look and thought maybe I was just delirious. Maybe I am going a little crazy. Later that day I was in math class which I could care less for. Even though I am good at it I still don’t think much about it. After class as I was walking to lunch with Max I noticed something strange written on the wall. I didn’t think much about it, but I was still curious on what it was. It appeared as though I had seen it somewhere before I just couldn’t put my finger on it. I asked max if he had seen something like that before he replied “A wall? Yes Damon I have seen a wall before.” I said “no the writing on the wall.” He said he didn’t see anything, but obviously something was on the wall. I grabbed a random kid walking down the hall and asked him if he saw anything on the wall and he chuckled and said “Yeah dirt.” Max looked at me and whispered if I was okay. I said in a normal voice “why wouldn’t I be?” he replied “you have been acting a little strange the past few days and I’m concerned for you buddy.” I smiled and said “I’m okay Max no worries.” And we continued on to lunch.

When I got to the cafeteria I saw Leo sitting at the usual spot. So I went to grab my lunch and sit with him. Max was right behind me. As we were talking I noticed a hooded, dark robed man standing in the corner staring at me I tried my best not to notice him. After a few minutes it really started weirding me out, but when I looked and Leo and glanced back at the man he was gone. Leo looked at me and said “what! What is it? Is there a new kid or something?” he started looking all over the lunch room for someone new. I just continued eating and said “it’s nothing; I thought I saw someone, but it wasn’t him.”

Later that day when I got home my grandparents had a lot of things packed up and ready to go. They were watching the news and some people had been killed by this crazy man. This man happened to kill my aunt and uncle. I gave a foreign look and said “what’s going on?” Grandma answered “grab your things, I already have them packed for you we have to go now. We will explain everything on the way.” As I snatched up my stuff and was heading out the door I said “hold on we need to go get Max and Leo they have to come.” Grandpa said with a quick voice “have them ready, we will pick them up.” Grandma blurted “time is ticking we have to go.” “Where are we going exactly,” I asked. “We are off to Michigan,” grandma shouted from the back of the car.” “Alright then guess it’s time for a good road trip anyway.”

We were able to convince Max and Leo’s parents to let them come. They really didn’t have a problem with it. Besides we weren’t going to be gone too long. We told them we were going to be in Georgia for a little while and that we would miss a little bit of school. I guess it’s a good thing they knew my grandparents pretty well.

Therefore we were off, on the open road in grandpa’s big R.V... It was big enough for everyone. Grandpa always drives and grandma is the navigator. I went up to her and said “ okay time to spill the beans, what’s going on? And why are we going to Michigan?” Leo screamed from the back of the bus “Michigan!? I thought you said Georgia?” “No we just said that,” I replied. I looked up at grandma and said “okay time to explain.” She looked me dead in the eye and said take a seat this might take a while.” “You were too young to remember when your parents died, but it wasn’t from a car crash. And I believe you are ready to know the whole story.” She looked up at the road and said “your parents were murdered by an evil man named Cazmar. He was trying to get to you. Your parents were gifted. They could do things that you would only see on TV or read in a fantasy book. Now the genetics were pasted down to you. We knew you have had great gifts ever since you were little.”

“Whoa hold on grandma, you’re talking gibberish that stuff isn’t real.” Grandma replied “I wasn’t done let me finish.” “There is this book in Michigan where we are going, but it is hidden deep in one of the lakes. We know where it is and it will explain how all of this came to be. It will even help you out with your gifts and abilities. This book dates back all the way to the first one with these abilities and the origin of these gifts. Some of these abilities are Clairvoyance, Divination, Psychokinesis, Remote Viewing, Conduit, Psychmetry and Telepathy. The book states that one I every five generations is able to with stand stronger abilities with more energy, and also how to control these abilities. The thing is Cazmar got his grubby hands on the book. Unfortunately he learned how to control this, and he happens to be the one in five generations that has stronger power using this for evil. He has picked off many of the others with abilities like these. If they don’t want to join him then he kills them. His plain is starting a covenant where he makes the rules instead of following them. We were able to get the book back safely, but there were many pages missing. And he is getting help to find you and kill you. One of his assassins showed up to the house, that’s why we had to leave so fast. Grandpa and I took care of it. He knows that you are stronger. He finds you to be a threat to his plain of taking out off of the others with abilities like ours, and wants you out of the picture. We have to get you to this book so you can control what you have and take out Cazmar or else he will keep hurting people until he finds you and kills you.” “Okay this is a lot to take in” I replied. “How do I figure out what I have?” “We have seen pick up on a few things while you have been growing up,” Grandma answered.

By this time we were close to where the book was, I had been working on a few things that grandma and grandpa had showed me. I was starting to get the psychokinesis down and a little bit of the telepathy. Max has such a dirty mind sometimes. It’s okay though I can’t say much.

By this time it is around ten at night and I wanted to get some sleep. Everyone else was up in the front listing to music. So I go back to the bed at the end of the RV. About the time I layed down I felt rumble and a sudden jolt and the RV came to a complete stop. I went up to check it out and grandpa, grandma, Maz and Leo were all hurt bad. I get a strange noise, as soon as I glanced over my shoulder I had a gut wrenching feeling and saw that it was that guy I that was staring at me in the lunch room at school.

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