Never After | Teen Ink

Never After

March 14, 2014
By Anonymous

All children grow up...
Except for one....

Once upon a time was how his story had begun, but now it would never ever end in a happily ever after. After Her death, he did not stop flying. He flew to the place between worlds to escape Neverland. In his mourning he is oblivious to the sucking black holes and exploding stars that he passes. He is reminiscing about Her. He closes his eyes to savor the moment and is lost in his memories.

She is there with him and they are laughing. Together. The fairies are dancing to create a soft blissful atmosphere that swirls in circles around them. The soft little voices beg for one more dance, just one more. And so like any gentleman he bows and offers Her his hand. “Shall we?” he said with as much charm as he could muster. A smile broke over Her face as She grabbed his hand with pure joy and they flew into the clouds.

But something is wrong, terribly, terribly, wrong. He knew he shouldn't let Her get carried away with this game that they are playing.
“This is all pretend, isn’t it? If I were a real father that would make me seem quite old,” he hoped to make Her to understand.
“Oh.. yes...” She said as the glee from Her eyes fade back to reality. She isn't herself just yet, but he needs Her to know that something feels terribly wrong with in the atmosphere but She doesn't notice.

“Peter, what are your true feelings?” She finally looks up at him with Her soft eyes that are looking for what She hopes to hear.
“F-f-feelings?” He had heard the word used before but he did not understand the way She is using them now.
“Yes, I dare say you've felt them yourself. You know happiness, joy, jealousy...”

“Tink,” He whispers as he senses Tinkerbell near by.

“Hook.” He could feel it now. Hook is close, watching them. This is no place to talk. She pauses and barely whispers the word

Fear shot into his heart. The fairy's have heard. Their soft musical voices become harsh and sharp. He longs to hold Her close and to explain his curse. He can’t love her, because if he does his curse will kill Her. To save her he must harden his heart and push her away.
“Never. Even the sound of it offends me,” He spat back. He watches the impact of his words hits Her fragile figure. As her mouth forms the words that he had spoke she sinks from the clouds to the ground She collapses as tears gush out from Her eyes. He is too late. The fairies don't believe his lie as She does.

The fairy queen appears from the cloud of faeries above them. He swallows at the look on her face as she spoke, “You gave us your heart for Neverland. I can not and will not give it back for a simple girl.”
“I don't... I..”
“Don't lie. I am the only one who can see your true heart and I see HER!” Her scream is echoed by the other fairies as she points to the crumpled form of a sobbing girl lying on the ground.
A huge earthquake began to shake Neverland and the ground rose up in the shape of a monster.
“My Queen,” It bows as gracefully as a earth gnome could to the Fairy Queen.
“Kill her, destroy her body and hide the remains so that the Prince can not find it.”
“NOO!! Please.. no!” he yells, but the fairy queen freezes his limbs with a single look.

“Majesty,” the gnome bows humbly to the Queen while glancing fearfully at him. Its large mashing teeth reach out to grab Her and he watches powerless as the ground swallows the gnome and Her. His curse never felt so heavy on his shoulders. The day he ran from home was the day he had chosen the path of unwavering power, but what is power if there is no one to share it with?

Suddenly he realized he has slid into another world. A castle with long towering spires was unavoidably in front of him. He tried to slow his speed to avoid it, but he flailed out of control. With a loud crunch he smashed into the tower and lost consciousness.

Soft hands partially awaken him by brushing through his hair comfortingly. He didn't want to leave his dreams so he fell back into the dark.

When he finally came to, the softness was the first thing he noticed. It was as if he were laying on a cloud that seemed to wrap around him. So light yet it seemed to hold him down as if refusing to let him go. Flailing his arms in fear he wrestled to set himself free from his bondage. Footsteps sounded nearby coming closer and closer. His eyes flashed open and as the blanket flew off of him he realized he was laying on an enormous bed. The double doors to the room burst open as a young girl ran toward him with a look of alarm plastered on her face. He reaches for his dagger but he finds it missing from its usual spot at his thigh. By the time he realizes the girl poses no threat he has already made a fool of himself.

“I’m not afraid of you,” he blushes. “I was just practicing in case someone was chasing you.” The girl covers a smile that has crept to her mouth with a delicate hand. Putting his hands firmly on his hips in a posture of confidence he spouted
“My name is Peter Pan and I’m the best there ever was. And who might you be?”
Her mouth opened as if to say something but nothing came out. And a look of sadness washed over her features. Shaking her head and pointing to her throat she mimed that she couldn’t speak.

“Oh, well that’s a bother. I’ll just guess and you nod when I get it right.”
The girl pulled out a close by chair and rested her head on her hands. She had vibrant red hair and deep set turquoise eyes. She had a quirky smile that made Peter know that he would get along great with her. He let his face grow a giant smile and let his head c*** to the side.
“Sooo, what do you do around here anyway?”

With that the girl jumped out of her chair, grasped him by the arm and ran out the double doors with him. On the other side of the doors were a set of marble stairs that led down to a large courtyard that opened out above the sea. It was then that he saw the castle was sitting on the edge of the sea. But Peter had no time to gaze around as the girl pulled him through the courtyard and out to the cliffs above the sea. It was then that he realized that the girl was running too fast toward the cliff railings.

“Wh.. Wha.. Aeeeeeiiiiiii!!!”
Was all he managed to cry as she hurtled herself and him over the railing and down towards the sea below. He could have flown away at any moment, but the girl’s face did not betray any indication that she was attempting suicide. He decided to trust her. At this point in his life he didn't think he had anything else to lose. As they hit the water with a terrifying splash Peter realized that he didn't know how to swim. He felt himself sinking like a rock. He panicked. Flailing and gasping as he tried to remember how to hold his breath he choked on salty water and slimy seaweed. He was grasped by a dozen hands and thrusted up above the water. He coughed and sputtered cursing the girl for trying to kill him. He heard voices of other girls laughing and felt one flick his nose.

“Where did you pick this silly thing from, Ariel? You should have taught it how to swim before taking it for a little jump.”
He tried to protest at the voices as he wiped the salt water from his eyes.
“LITTLE!” Peter croaked. “Though I don’t claim to be a man, I’m NOT little!” But for all his efforts he was splashed and giggled at.
When he finally could see clearly he was shocked to find that his rescuers were mermaids. In his surprise he jumped five feet into the air and again grasped at his thigh where his dagger should have been. The six mermaids went completely silent and stared up at him with faces that he would have guessed look exactly like his. After a moment a mermaid broke the silence.
“How can you do that?” She asked quietly.
“Why, because I’m Peter Pan of course,” he boldly stated as he flew a few in a few somersaults to show off. “How come you haven't tried to kill me? In Neverland the mermaids are evil and...” He paused as these mermaids looked at him in shock and a little bit of fear. It was then that one who looked to be the oldest spoke.
“We would never, ever kill a human. Our little sister Ariel has foolishly decided to get legs and woo one.”
This was received by a glare from Ariel. The older sister went on, “Before she lost her voice all she could talk about was true love.”
“Please,” interrupted Peter as he tried to hide a tear, “Please don’t speak of that.”
The older sister paused and turned to Ariel.
“You should get back to the castle. Father will awake soon.”
Ariel nodded and watched as her sisters swam away. Peter hovered awkwardly as she waited until all traces of their fins were out of sight before sighing and quickly swimming toward a cove set at the base of the cliff under the castle. She reluctantly climbed out of the water and into the cave. There she pulled some cloths from a niche in the wall and handed one to Peter to dry off with. Peter felt frustrated. The meeting with the sisters had left him with a million questions, but he could hardly expect any answers from Ariel. Stamping them from his mind he turned back to the girl.

“So, Ariel, I’m not afraid of death or anything at all, but is there something else that we could do?”
She seemed to think for a moment before smiling. Her smile suddenly reminded him of someone he didn’t want to think about.
“I got it!” He exclaimed before she could mime anything, “Lets explore.” He offered her his leg. Ariel looked confused.
“Oh, come on. Take a hold,” he demanded as he wiggled his toes. She tenderly grasped his ankle and he flew from the cave. He could feel her grasp tighten significantly and he smiled. He slowed and floated on his back to look at her. She had a face of wonderment that bordered on terror. She saw him looking at her and steeled her face from fear. Her gaze now stared back at him almost taunting him. He stopped by a cloud and lowered her onto it. She wonderingly reached out to the billowing clouds and quickly slipped through. Peter paused for a moment before remembering that he is not in Neverland where the clouds are full of fairy magic and can hold a person. He dove to catch her in his arms. Ariel buried her face in his chest. Peter flew over a field and headed towards a forest. After a moment of flying she unburied her face from his chest and looked up at him questioningly.

“I.. I’m sorry,” he said without any of his usual pompous. “I forgot that...” But she managed a weak smile as if to forgive and forget. He cleared his throat and swallowed to regain his composure. She really did look like... No, he told himself not to think of Her.

They both silently gazed down at the castle as they circled above it and the surrounding land. Peter’s stomach started growling and Ariel moved her hand to her mouth as if to giggle. He glanced starkly at her before he descended to the castle.

When they reached the castle, Ariel guided his landing to the balcony outside his bedroom. Peter’s stomach lurched and growled loudly. Ariel rolled her eyes and motioned him inside. Inside she showed him a string to pull behind a tapestry. They then sat at a table, well, Ariel sat as Peter glided around the room on his back. He began by telling her about Neverland, when a few servants came in with trays of hot food. They gave a start but Ariel gestured that Peter's flying was harmless. They served the food and left. As they left he started to talk about the Fairy Queen. Her beauty, intelligence and her utter power.

“Power?” A sweet melodic voice whispered around the corner, “Surely, not. Only the sea holds such power.” Peter swooped towards the door but stopped as Ariel made a gurgling sound as she clasped at her throat. She motions that she is fine before he runs after the voice. The sound of overly sweet laughter calls to him as he zipped up and down stairs and through passageways. He stops before a enormous pair of richly ornate doors.

“Come in. Come in my child. We musn't lurk in doorways. Its rude. One might question your upbringing. Hmhmhmm”
Peter struggled to heave open the door.

“Ah, Peter Pan. I have heard sooo much about you and here you are. You have come to see me,” the voice cooed and yet to Peter it hinted at something hidden, some cunning plan. He distrustfully drifted into a hall with towering marble pillars decorated with bronze. He analyzed the voice as he followed it. He must be careful.

“Of course you heard about me! But I don't know who you are.”
As he rounded a pillar to suddenly stand in front of a splendid bronze throne on a marble dais. Here lounging was the owner of the voice. She had creamed skin that was handsomely set off by her jet black hair. Her eyes were also dark, dark but with a hint of purple. The strangeness of it reminded him to distrust her. Her full pink lips formed a pout as she looked him up and down.

“I expected someone... shorter.”

“I expected someone older and beastly fat.”

“Tssssssssssss.” She hissed,“Come closer. I don't bite!” Her voice strained to keep its charm as she leaned forward and snapped her teeth as if she had not intention of keeping her word. He allowed himself to glide while staying above her. As he did he could sense a cloak of magic around her. When he came even closer he could see her true form.

“I heard that I shouldn't call ladies ugly,” he retorted with a smile, “but you aren't one.”

“You insignificant fool,” she snapped. She calmed herself before continuing,“If you had half brain you will listen silently when I offer you something.. Wendy.”

He was in her face in an instant.

“You know NOTHING!” he roared. “She is dead, dead and gone. I can not love. I. Have. No. Heart.”

“Poor soul, fortunately I know a little magic. Yes, yes don't look at me so crossly. I can get you little Wendy bird back... for a price.”


“Ah a Aah! Do you think that I would give you MY little secrets? No, no Noo! I want You to do something for Me. Well, how about it? Will Peter Pan play a game with me?!”


“Nothing really. Just get Ariel to fall in love with you. What? You did it before. How hard could it be?”

Peter needed more time to think. Was she bluffing? She would undoubtedly cheat.

“I'm a very busy woman and I haven't got all day.”

“All right.” He made himself seem nonchalant with his crooked smile, “Let's play.”
He could cheat too.

“Good, my little sweet. Now, just a little insurance for me. Kissing my ring will keep your lips sealed from speaking anything that we have discussed here.”

“Do I need insurance?” Peter asked a little too sweetly.

“Ah, yes, yes. The kiss will make me keep my word. Now?” she held out her wrist tentatively with an amused expression playing on her lips. He gave her a mocking aerial bow as he gently brushed his lips against the ring. She couldn't have noticed his crossed fingers.


“Perfect,” she purred. “Now, off you go, lover boy. Remember you only have until the sunset in two days.”


“Yes, didn't I say. It doesn't matter. It's already on the contract. Ta ta.”

Peter strode out of the throne room. He slumped against he wall after the door closed.

“Wendy..,” he pulled himself into a tight ball and softly cried.

Ariel looked up questioningly when he finally returned to the room. He was about to blame his rude departure on chasing a dog when he noticed that she was petted a gigantic Old English Sheepdog.

“Was he here the whole time? he asked. She nodded and gestured to a rug on the floor that was covered in dog hair. He sat on the opposite side of the bench from the dog. The dog was too infatuated with Ariel's scratching him to give Peter any attention. She still wanted to know where he had gone. I better get on with it, thought Peter as he pulled out an exotic pink flower he had found.

“I, um, I thought you would maybe,” Peter stammered, “like it?”
He judged by the way her eyes got really big and her mouth flew open that he did indeed do a good job. He reached up and twisted her hair back and tied the flower with a blue ribbon. He jumped up to inspect his work.

“Oh, you look wonderful.”
Peter turned to see a handsome dark haired man with olive skin staring at Ariel. Who was also staring just as strongly at him. He didn't like it. Before he could do anything the young man held out his hand.

I was thinking of maybe taking a row around the lagoon. I would wanna come?”
Ariel practically leaped into his arms. Peter cleared his throat as he floated down from the ceiling. The guy had made him jump out of his skin when he snuck in the room. Peter checked to see that he still had his shadow before introducing himself.

“Hey, where do you think your taking my friend?”
Well, that's what came out anyways. He didn't think he should have to introduce himself to someone who stole girls after he did up their hair. She really was very pretty.

“Oh, hey there. I didn't see you in the corner. I was just thinking that she was bored up here and would, you know, wanna do something outside the castle,” he shrugged. “Oh, yea, I'm Eric.”

“She isn't bored she has me!”
Ariel shot him a glare that accused him of ditching her in search of an invisible dog for hours. This was not working how he had planned.

“'Has you.' So are you two..,” Eric gestured between the two of them.
Peter said yes as Ariel quickly shook her head. Definitely not how he had planned.

“Ah,” Eric said in a voice that didn't really sound like he understood. “ Well, since you had the day to be with the lady, maybe I could have some time with her?”
Diplomacy, this guy didn't play nice, thought Peter. But there was nothing that he could do except watch them walk away as Ariel leaned her head against his arm. Definitely not how he had planned.

Peter flopped on the bed with a groan. He needed to think. Ariel liked Eric, wait, more than liked. Didn't one of her sisters say something about true love and the whole reason why she became human. Crap. Wait a minute. Why does that ugly witch not want Ariel to fall in love with that guy. Or maybe that guy to fall in love with Ariel. Peter groaned as he rolled off the bed and onto the dog. With a squeak he flew out of the room. He flew to the top of one of the spires and sat back to think some more and watch the sun set. Today was just not going his way.

After sunset, he had the distinct pleasure of holding a sobbing and soaking Ariel as she waved her hands around trying to explain everything that went wrong, which was indeed everything. He 'cooed' and 'ahhed' ' in all the right places. He couldn't hold back a snicker when she described her friends terrible mood setting singing and roared with laughter when she described the tipping of the boat. Her face was blank for a moment before she joined him in fits of silent laughter. They clung to each other in the throes of mirth and fell onto the floor. They lay for a moment after their laughter died away.

“Please,” asked Peter, “please listen. I.. Once there was a girl who was wickedly clever and brave. We ruled Neverland and time would never end. I was forbidden to love but I did and she was taken from me.

“I know that you have given everything in your life to be with Eric. But for this moment you are like Wendy to me.”
Ariel moved to a seated position on the floor. Peter turned his face away from her.

“I'm sorry. It's just that when you are happy, you are happy like her. When your angry, sad...”
Ariel leaned over Peter and softly brushed away his tears. She laid her head on his chest and held his hand. Peter suddenly jumped to his feet hauling Ariel up by her arms.

“I have it!” He yelled, “ we can defeat that stupid witch. Oh, don't look so surprised. I'm Peter Pan. I'm the cleverest of them all!”
He twirled her in the air by her arms before they floated down to bounce on the bed. Finally he stopped to tell her his wonderful, wonderful plan. Well, part of it anyway.

“You need to do it,” Peter insisted, ”so she will think that she has won.”
Ariel nodded with a coy smile and leaned over and passionately kissed him just as Eric walked into the room. Eric looked from one to the other, “As you wish,” he muttered as he turned and walked out of the room. Ariel turned a terrified face to Peter and began to shake.

“Don't worry, I got this,” He outwardly smiled. What am I going to do? “Hey, crinkled wrinkled fat scab,” he yelled after Eric. Eric stumbled mid step and slowly turned to look at Peter with a face that made Peter want to take back everything, but for Ariel's sake he couldn't stop now. He swallowed before continuing his taunting.

“Yea, I'm talking to you, lung tongue.”

“Excuse me, but I'm not the slug eating worm that steals women.”

“Steals? I didn't see a collar on Ariel and she doesn't think you care. Your a punchy sag bottom puke pot that doesn't like her, you don't even want to kiss her!”

“I do to want to kiss her you week old maggot burger with flies on the side.”

“Then do it already!” cried Peter as he pushed a very confused Ariel forward.

“I Will!” Eric stormed forward and scooped Ariel into his arms before murmuring, “I love you,” and leaned towards Ariel.

Everyone froze as a beautiful melodic voice filtered through the window. It rose to a crescendo and fell in a most enchanting manner. Eric was now staring out the window and Peter could hear him whispering something about “the one” and “that voice”. Peter could barely tear his eyes from the window to look back at Ariel. She had slumped to the floor during a fit of coughing. There was blood on her hands. Peter ran to her as Eric ran from the room. He pulled her back into the room and onto the bed. He held her all night as she coughed and cried. He just kept reassuring her that everything will be alright in the morning. They both knew it was a lie. They both knew the owner of the voice.

With the morning came the announcement that Eric was to be married that evening. The bride-to-be herself came by to gloat.

“Tut, tut, what's with the long faces? Didn't ya hear? I'm getting married today! You,” she pointed to Peter, “should have followed the rules.” She dismissed his argument and turned to Ariel, “poor unfortunate soul, get ready to pay up,” and with that she left the room laughing.

“That slimy camel cake isn't going to get away with anything. C'mon, I have an idea.”
Ariel simply ignored him and burrowed into the blankets.

“Hey, its going to be easy, she obviously has Eric in some some type of spell. We just need to figure out what it is and snap him out of it.”
Ariel popped her headed out of the covers.

Peter cautiously looked around the corner. He had been following Eric and the witch all morning waiting for them to separate. It was around the time when he thought he could die from boredom that the witch finally left the room. Peter didn't know how much time he had as he ran over to Eric.

“Hey, do you remember anything from last night?” he asked quickly. “Its important.”

“I am to be married tonight'” Eric stared blankly at Peter, “as soon as possible.”

“OK, OK, thats lovely. Follow me and we will get you all ready,” Peter pushed him to a secluded spot in the castle and quickly knocked him out with a candle holder. He tied and gagged Eric before locking him in a closet. After making doubly sure that no one saw him he snuck back to Ariel's room. She sat him down and dyed his hair and changed his clothes to make him to look just like Eric.

“I don't think the lipstick was necessary,” he commented when she was finished. She almost hid a smile as she fervently nodded and pointed to his eyes.

“Yes, master,” he said robotically as he cast his eyes down so she could not see their color and marched out of the room. He walked around aimlessly in what he hopped looked like a spellbound Eric when the witch walked into the room.

“There you are, my peach! Let us hurry to the wedding boat.” Her eyes flashed back and forth, searching, “I can feel those red headed devils plotting something against me.”
They walked quickly to the boat dock, Peter following just behind the witch. When they were almost there, Peter saw a seagull fly off a barrel next to the steps of the boat. It was the signal.

Peter reached over the shoulder of the witch to grab her seashell necklace while Ariel, who was hiding in the upside down barrel, rose with the barrel on her head and knocked the witch into the water. Peter reached for Ariel's hand and they were about to run back to land when they froze. The true Eric was blocking their way with a vicious looking sword.

“I am to be married tonight'” Eric sneered menacingly as he lifted his sword, “as soon as possible.”

“Stop!” cried Peter as he tried to think of something quick, “I, Prince Eric, am to be married tonight. You, will not hinder the will of your lady?” He pointed to the witch as she was just about to climb out of the water. The spellbound Eric paused. Peter could tell that Eric had recognized his clothing on Peter and was not sure of what to do. Peter used Eric's confusion to grab Ariel and fly back to the bank. Once he landed he threw the necklace onto the ground and stomped on the shell to crush it. Ariel and Eric both collapsed and remained motionless halfway in the water. Peter looked up to see the witch had changed back into her true form and was growing larger by the second.

“Did you think that I would let it be that easy? Did you think that I would just let you win? Ha ha! Look the sun is setting. You're too late!”

The sea began to boiled behind the witch. With a giant roar, a water serpent of turquoise, crimson and gold broke the surface of the sea. It lashed at the air with its teeth and projected itself towards the group on the shore. It wrapped itself around the ship and broke it into bits in a blink of an eye. It roared down on the group its fangs bristling with electricity.

“I had heard rumors and accusations but I chosen to let them pass. You have flaunted your power and I had chosen to look the other way. Now you have gone to far. Free my daughter and the man before I melt you where you stand.”

Without a word the witch cast her hand across Ariel and Eric and they awoke coughing.

“I don't care either way,” the witch sneered. “You're too late. The sun has set and the girl belongs to me.”

The beast turned its massive head with a smile. It's head is as big as a house, Peter marveled. The next words that it uttered were so quiet that it made Peter feel afraid for the first time in his life.

“Do you not know my name, witch? Do not my subjects call me KING!”

With the serpents roar a thousands lightning rods struck the sea.

“You will be melted and not even the sea slime will touch what is left of you.”

As he spoke an arm made of seaweed reached out to pluck the witch from the dock and pulled her screaming down into the sea.

“Daughter,” the serpent spoke softly to Ariel, “come and go as you wish, this I give you. Once this mortal man's life is over come back to live in the sea with us.”

The great serpent lifted his head and slid majestically back into the sea.

There was a few minutes pause that was filled with awe at the great Serpents power. Then Eric reached for Ariel and her for him.

Peter felt completely out of place. He was no longer wanted or needed. He quietly floated away as the two lovers held each other close. He stopped back at Ariel's room to leave another flower but he didn't stay long. He then found his old dagger jammed in the spire that he had ran into the night that he arrived. It reminded him of Ariel's care over him. He looked back down at the beach before sliding between world.

“At least this world has its own Wendy.”

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