Not an Average Fairytale | Teen Ink

Not an Average Fairytale

October 23, 2014
By brigirll BRONZE, Oakland, New Jersey
brigirll BRONZE, Oakland, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time, there was a young boy of royal blood of the title Prince Alexander. A handsome child of seven years old that lived in beautiful royal castle of an abounding kingdom. His father, a great king of a great nation, was a worthy leader but some dared to say he was too proud and arrogant. He wore extravagant robes and glistening jewels on a tall crown simply to prove his divine right. His wife, the Queen, was cold and composed yet she was beautiful. Her slender hands were always folded together and her back was always erect with flawless poise.  Her features were defined like jagged stone, her smile was tight and cold, and her eyes are steely. Together the king and queen were momentous and ruthless leaders.


Our prince, Alexander, wanted to follow in the footsteps of his great father.. There was one issue holding him back, he was the smallest of twelve older brothers and sisters that would succeed to the throne way before he could. His older sisters would tease and condescend him. His brothers would intimidate and bully him.
One morning, in the palace courtyard, the eldest sons of fifteen and seventeen, Andrew and Nicholas, were strolling to their lessons when they saw little Alexander by himself playing with a little replica of his father. They mischievously approached him with malice in their eyes.

They taunted him, “Hello, little brother.”
Andrew asked, “Why do you bother with wanting the throne? Your small self could disappear and no one would mind.” He poked Alexander’s forehead on every word, each time with more force, “You. Are. Nothing!” Alexander held back his tears; he would not allow himself to show weakness, especially to his father.

Nicholas laughed. “He would die before the inherits the throne, being last in line and all.” They walked away, laughing hysterically. Alexander felt a wave of despair wash over him and returned to his room to distract his hopelessness with toys.

Alexander dragged his worthless body back to his quarters. He perked up when his father came parading down the hall with many foreign-looking people rushing behind him. “Good morning, my son!” His voiced boomed. He ruffled Alexander’s blonde hair and kept walking before Alexander attempted to say anything.

Alexander returned to his room where Matilda, his caretaker and tutor, was waiting for him to teach his lessons. Matilda was an average women with average height, average brown hair, and average, yet kind, eyes.  Matilda was more than a mere servant to Alexander. The queen favored Alexander’s sisters more. Therefore, Matilda clothed, fed, and raised him since he was born and she loved him immensely. Alexander thought of her as his family.

For the following three hours, they practiced reading and writing like they did every day. When she detected Alexander’s quiet behavior, she winked, “You may not be the first in line to succeed the throne, but you are the first in my heart, and undoubtedly his majesty’s too.”
Matilda always made him feel better. Alexander asked, “My brothers always tell me I am nothing.” he paused, “ Are they right?”

She blinked. “Bah! Those spoiled children. They are absolutely wrong. How can they say something like that to my handsome young prince?” She stroked his head. “Your spoiled brothers do not see the potential I see in you. You may not look like much now, but you will certainly grow into a remarkable gentleman.”

“But can I become king?” Alexander asked with false hope.
Matilda took a long pause, “For your information, there are other ways to be a king. You can marry a beautiful princess someday. But beware, my child, do not play with your own affections, you have strong influence, to yourself and to others.”

No other words could have made him happier.
For the next few years, Alexander seemed relatively better than ever before in his miserable life. He still hated his brothers he passively accepted the mental and physical hurt from Andrew and Nicholas. Yet they could not quench Alexander’s fiery pride, a trait he had inherited from the king. He was untouchable.

The next three years were harsh. Disease spread rapidly throughout the land. Hundreds of people were affected before doctors had the slightest idea what it was. One of Alexander’s sisters was the first one to get sick in the castle. Slowly all of sisters died of disease. Alexander’s mother died of the disease on the second year of the contagion. Soon after rumors spread that the king is sick. Alexander did not accept it. He thought his father was healthy and sturdy as an ox.

One morning Alexander had woken to hear his father had died. Upon hearing the news Alexander felt hollow. Matilda was all he had left. After the funeral service, Alexander returned to his quarters. Matilda was standing there with open arms and Alexander rushed into them. He was too old to cry, but he did anyway. Matilda stroked his hair and consoled him. In the hours of crying, Matilda frequently had coughing fits. 

Alexander had just noticed, “Matilda…”
All she said in return, “I’m just fine.” She wiped the tears off his red and puffy cheeks and the subject was closed.

Matilda passed away the next day. His world was draped with a curtain of depression. He could not enjoy anything. Alexander did not think he could cry any more after his father died, but he did. He cried for weeks.
Shortly, Nicholas after took the throne at eighteen. Alexander loathed Nicholas now. Alexander thought, “How dare he wear the stand where the king stood, how dare he put on the family crown on his fairly stupid mind and how dare he wear his irritatingly cocky smile when he sits on the thrown.

The new King Nicholas made many rash decisions. He thought of himself to be more important than the subjects of his kingdom. War broke out. Nicholas was overthrown and killed and Andrew died in battle. Alexander secretly felt no remorse. However, he detested himself for allowing such dark thoughts of hatred to overcome him.
Alexander grew into his adolescent years and it became the time to come into the public eye. He had to attend parties and dinners, make powerful friends and meet women for him to marry. First, had learned the proper etiquette. All of his older brothers and sisters graduated the same etiquette schooling he will attend. He was delighted when Matilda taught him table manners, hosting guests, the art of discussion and dancing.  When they danced Prince Alexander is two heads taller than her. Alexander had a certain way of words. He could cajole anyone to do anything. Words are Alexander’s greatest weapon.

The next heir to the throne was the third eldest son, Prince Nathaniel. Nathaniel was very spacey and a complete womanizer. He always wore lavish garments and throws many extravagant parties. He started his parties with a toast.
“To my health, and the prosperity of my kingdom!” He toasted on his birthday party. So many guests attended, powerful officials and generals and royalty of other neighboring countries came to celebrate his brother’s birthday. Prince Alexander was impressed his brother organized such a grand party. The vast ballroom of the castle was fully illuminated by golden candlelight, the dance floor was freshly polished and luxurious decorations covered the walls. Music played and the scattered people indulged in tête-à-tête with others.
Handsome Prince Alexander dressed in his white royal suit, complete with white gloves; he was the Prince Charming incarnate. He chatted with others and sipped wine. He danced with some women, but it was merely out of his kindness. He simply could not see himself with a women to love, until he saw her.

She was radiant. She was a petite lady with long flowing honey locks of hair and very blue eyes. Alexander was astounded by her beauty. He recognized her instantly, Princess Adrianna of the neighboring kingdom of Adrian. He rushed to her.

“It is lovely to finally make your presence, my princess.” He introduced himself. She blushed. Alexander felt a wave a warmth wash over him when she smiled.

They spoke all throughout the evening. He was fascinated when learning about the life she lived until now. Adrianna sympathized as best as she could when Alexander shared his past. Revealing such personal information about him made the princess like him much more. Alexander spent the remaining dances as her partner. When the evening was ending and the guests were leaving, he took her porcelain-like hand and kissed it ever so softly, fearing she might break.

Princess Adrianna visited several times over the next decade. Each visit she would run into his arms. One time he dared to kiss her as welcome. Both their faces were crimson. Though, Alexander was never disappointed to see her. They spent every minute of the day together. They would dine with one another, attend events together, and took daily walks in the courtyard garden.

One fine afternoon, the prince and princess attended their daily walk in the garden. She was wearing a simple pink dress yet she looked enchanting. She turned her back to Alexander to babble about the new season’s flowers in the garden.

When she twirled back, she was astonished to see Prince Alexander on one knee, with a ring, asking for her hand in marriage.

“My Adrianna, would you do me the great service to be my queen?” he asked.

“A service?” she teased, “It would an honor to be your wife.” She laughed and kissed him and put on the ring. Alexander gave her a ring in his family’s jewels, the same family that showed him no love before or now.
They had a beautiful ceremony. Alexander decided to move to Adrain with his newly wed. When their carriage pulled away from the castle, he waved his hand nonchalantly to his family. Alexander felt relieved as if a long lasting pain had subsided when the castle faded in the distance.

The new chapter in Alexander’s life was a long and placid one. He obtained the title king in and Adrianna became queen of her kingdom, though she ruled the kingdom. Alexander felt violently proud wearing a crown. Together they had five children. Alexander equally cared for each like neither  his mother nor father had when he was younger.

Seven years later on one cold night, Alexander headed to his bedroom to sleep after a long day, just like he did every day. He found Adrianna fast asleep on their bed. Alexander smiled and stroked her head. He was planning to go to sleep until he looked at Adrianna’s slumbering body. After a long pause, he said to himself darkly, “I think I have had enough waiting.”

He indifferently strolled to her side of the bed again and stroked her hair again. Then Alexander proceeded to take a pillow from the bed and held it over Adrianna’s sleeping head. Shortly after, she felt the lack of air and struggled. She clawed and scratched at Alexander’s arms. Her wedding ring fell. She thrashed and then ripped off his white gloves and then went limp. Casually, Alexander proceeded to the other side of the bed and prepared for bed and slept soundly.

The next morning, Alexander acted in despair. He yelled for the servants first thing in the morning and cried Adrianna had died in her sleep. The servants pitied the newly widowed husband.

The funeral took place on a cold and rainy day. Alexander, a distraught and depressed widow, proceeded to have the ceremony. Adrian’s subjects were miserable because their beloved queen had died. Alexander had cried and he wiped his tears away with his white gloves.

Alexander “with a heavy heart” was to succeed the thrown. He was proud of himself. He had achieved everything he ever wished for. Prince Alexander accepted the crown on his royal head with blood on his royal hands and he lived happily ever after.

The author's comments:

It is very twisted and may upset some of the readers, but I am proud of it. I was able to incorperate symbolism and imagery quite well into the piece. 

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on Nov. 14 2014 at 11:55 am
Princess.Renda GOLD, Travelers Rest, South Carolina
14 articles 0 photos 159 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All the world is made of faith, trust, and pixie dust." --J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

You definatly should be proud of this, brigirll--its really good!! The title suits it too lol ^^ Its a really well done story. Keep writing, dear! :)