The Story of Alice Liddell | Teen Ink

The Story of Alice Liddell

January 23, 2015
By AmandaH156 BRONZE, Washington, New Jersey
AmandaH156 BRONZE, Washington, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“It is true that the Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, otherwise known as Lewis Carroll, author of the inimitable classics Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass, liked little girls. Or, as he once wrote: "I am fond of children (except boys)." He took exquisite, melancholy photographs of little girls. He befriended little girls on trains, and beaches, and in the houses of friends. And one particular little girl, Alice Liddell, came to be his muse and great passion. Unfortunately for Dodgson, the 21st century does not look kindly on a single man who is beguiled by seven-year-olds.”


He told me to call him Lewis; my family had been friends with him for years so I thought he was a nice man, until he started taking pictures of me. In some of them he would let me wear clothes, but in the others he made me take them off. Most of the time I was so scared I didn’t know what to do, he would always just stare at me and say how much he loved my blue eyes and blonde hair. In one of our photo shoots, he even had me put on a big blue dress because he thought it brought out my eyes.  That was the day that made me famous.

He woke me up early in the morning, said we were going on an adventure, I saw the excitement in his face but I couldn’t share the same emotion. Most of his adventures were boring and made we wanna go home, adventures are supposed to be fun and full of surprises, but to me, they were never fun. After I got dressed he notified my parents of our trip and we left my house just as the sun was starting to rise. I glanced over at him as he strolled giddily through the woods, he wore a black blazer with a white bow tie and around his shoulder i saw a brown satchel. My curiosity got the best of me and I asked him what he was carrying with him. When he said it was his camera, I looked at him puzzled. Why, even I knew he couldn’t possibly be carrying a big camera in that thing. I’m sure a rabbit could hardly fit in it, let alone a camera, but I didn’t like to argue so I continued to walk alongside him.

It now seemed to be two in the afternoon and Lewis finally let go of my hand and jumped up in excitement chanting “We’re here!” over and over again. Although I didn’t know where “here” was, the view was still quite lovely. I could hear the birds singing high up in the trees and the crickets chirping softly in the grass. As I looked around admiring the view, I saw him lay down a blanket and grab two treats out of his satchel. He told me to sit down and handed me one of the treats, when I asked them what they were for he smiled and said I had earned it from the long walk.

After I ate it I found myself unable to keep my eyes open, the birds stopped singing and the crickets weren’t making a sound. I looked around and saw the clouds spinning and the sky getting darker. As I closed my eyes I felt myself starting to fall, i tried reaching for something but it seemed like it was all darkness.  The next thing i remember was waking up in a room lined with doors, one door in particular caught my attention at first.

To Be Continued….

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on Mar. 26 2015 at 10:34 am
Chrissiana1320 BRONZE, Hypoluxo, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 48 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It isn't what you can do with your strength, but how you chose to use."

-By me, I think.

YeaH!!!!! WRITE ON GIRL!!!!!

M.A.M. said...
on Feb. 17 2015 at 8:20 pm
Write On, Amanda! Can't wait to read the rest of this novel! -- M.A.M.