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September 20, 2022
By Nmartinez9000 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Nmartinez9000 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Long ago back when the Roman empire was still around 253 B.C.E. There was a large family that ruled the empire, but two brothers could never see eye-to-eye with one another. However, one day one of the brother Deon declared he wanted nothing more but to make peace and trade with the surrounding empires to gain respect for the Roman empire, On the other hand Demos wanted to expand the boarders to prevent any invading countries to try to take over their land and that shows the Roman empire was no push over, So Demos proposing two options for the surrendering countries to either join the Roman empire or be forced to join. Deon viewed his brother’s barbaric actions towards the other nations with dismay, disgust, and high amounts of caution. But he could only watch as he wishes to something but as he was the least favor out of two he stood back. One day sick and tired of his brother’s actions Deon confronted Demos demanding he gives a valid explanation for his cruel actions. When asked Demos gave excuse after excuse saying that he was only doing it for the “protection” and “better future for the empire”. But Deon know saw straight through his brother’s lies, he saw that his brother wanted nothing more but and power and status. The two had a verbal argument almost turning physical then Deon storms out leaving his brother alone with his thoughts. And after a few months the empire started to crack, on one side people wanted to keep peace with other nation stating that “there is no need for violence and to embrace one another’s culture. While on the other hand people argued that we need to be worried about nation’s enemies fearing that they could strike at any moment. And so a civil breaks out and both sides are affected by it, With family torn apart, the economy crashing, and the millions fallen victim to the war and the empire falls.

The author's comments:

This story takes place around the Roman empire but the different is that humanity around 700 - 1,500 years more advanced 

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