Hope - Expository | Teen Ink

Hope - Expository

April 15, 2013
By Anonymous

Hope means many things to many people, it has a meaning but that doesn't stop people for having beliefs in hope and what it is. The definition of hope (from the Oxford dictionary) is a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen, yes this is what hope is but how do we get hope? Hope is achieved many ways - positive thinking, hard work and efforts. Hope inspires people, brings them together and makes people do things they never could. Hope brings out the power in all of us and makes us believe something so much that anything good could happen. Everyone has hope but maybe they just haven't found it, I haven't exactly found my hope yet and i won't need to any time soon.. I hope!

A movie called "The Impossible" is all about hope and how it brings the lost to the lost to make a family again. The Impossible is about a family who goes to Phuket in 2004 and gets taken by a tsunami, this splits them up into 2 groups. As the mother is dying with one of the sons with her, her husband is lost with two of the other sons, and it looks like they won't find each other for a long time. the whole family has hope, hope that they will find the opposite side of there family. At the end they do find each other and they decide hope is to blame for getting them together. This movie is based on a true story too, so we do know that hope is in each and every one of us we just need to be put into a situation where we need it.

So many people have life threatening illnesses, and usually the people who are negatived minded and have an illness don't stay around for to long. I believe that if you get something bad like cancer, and you think you'll be out soon and better then this could happen. It just seems that if you really want something someone (lets call him the man) will give it to you.

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