Praying and fasting for temples | Teen Ink

Praying and fasting for temples

May 28, 2015
By Anonymous

   In 1361BC, there lived a king called King Tut. He had a wife who was his half sister. Her name was Queen Ankhesenpaatan. They lived in an Egyptian palace.
   One day, in King Tut’s dream, an Egyptian God, Aten told him that he must close down all the temples except for one, Aten's temple. Then, Aten said to King Tut that if he didn't close down all the temples, he will be killed by a mummy that will be awaken by Aten. He also told King Tut that he will come after two weeks.
After Aten told him what he should do, King Tut woke up and because of that, he couldn’t sleep so he kept thinking about what he should do. King Tut told himself that if he closed the other temples down, then the people in his country will hate him. He kept thinking what he should do to make the people in the country to like him. King Tut kept thinking and thinking and thinking……
The next day, King Tut told his wife that he had a dream about Aten commanding him to close down all the temple except for one. However, he told his wife, "I can’t do that because if I did that, then my people will not obey me, do bad things to me and they will leave this country. If my people leave the country, where am I going to get food?". His wife then gave him an idea. But it was still not fair to the country.
She didn’t know what to do and the only thing she could do was to go to Aten's temple and pray. She prayed for three days in the temple without eating. She didn’t drink either.
One night, Aten spoke to Queen Ankhesenpaatan in her dream. Aten said, "Even though you have prayed for three days and fasted, I will still not spare you and your husband. Close down all the temples except mine or I will kill everyone in your country by causing earthquakes and tsunamis."
  The next day, Queen Ankhesenpaatan told King Tut that she also had a dream about Aten commanding her to close down all the temples. He said that there was no use of praying to him because he won’t change a single thing that he had said.
   King Tut and Queen Ankhesenpaatan were really scared of Aten. Suddenly, he remembered a very powerful man called Moses. He asked one of his servants to bring Moses to him.
Moses arrived in King Tut’s house. King Tut asked Moses whether he could help with the closing of the temple. Moses agreed to King Tut to help with the  closing of the temple and King Tut told Moses what is going to happen if he didn't  close down all the temples except one.
Moses said this would be a very easy job because anything thing that your God say, it doesn’t matter. Moses thought for a while and he told King Tut his suggestion.
The solution was to ask everyone to destroy and build their temples underground. After Aten have seen the temples destroyed, then only should everyone build the underground temples. The King then asked, "What if Aten finds out that we are building other temples underground?"
Moses then said, "Is he going to kill you?" King Tut said "Yes, of course!" Moses said this to King Tut, "My one and only God will protect you even though you do not believe in the God of Israel". Moses told King Tut " I do not know how my God is going to protect you, but you will be alright."
King Tut thanked Moses and sent him off. King Tut sat back on his chair and he made a very loud sigh.
The next day early in the morning, King Tut woke up and told everyone in the land to wake up and destroy the temples except for Aten's temple, because Aten was coming after two weeks to see his temple.
Fortunately, everyone manage to destroy the temples of their Egyptian Gods and build it underground. After, the completion of their temples. They quickly prayed to their Egyptian Gods so that they won’t be killed. Everyone in Egypt was so scared that Aten will kill them if he knew that the other temples were underground. So, they kept praying to their God.
After two weeks, the time came for Aten to see whether there were any other temples than his. Aten came down to take a look at the temples. Fortunately, Aten could not find any temples so Aten went back. The people in the country were happy and praised King Tut. After that, everyone went back to build their Egyptian God's temple underground.
Then, King Tut remembered that someone help him to get through this situation. He quickly asked his servant to bring Moses to him. When Moses arrived, King Tut thanked him, his God and rewarded him with an expensive gold jewellery.

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