Midnight Blur | Teen Ink

Midnight Blur

November 8, 2022
By KrishDesai BRONZE, Cupertino, California
KrishDesai BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

I woke up in a midnight blur. Everything was dark, you could only see the silhouette of certain objects, some indistinguishable. For just a second, I saw a man looking down with his body limp. I rub my eyes to see just my hat and jacket on a coat hanger. The bed beside me looked like it was hiding something underneath, so did the closet. I heard creaks around the house, from the squeaky floors. They sound so quiet, yet so loud in the silence. Was it an uninvited guest, or just the slow decaying of the house? I closed my eyes for just a few seconds, only to end up waking to the feeling like something was looking at me, waiting for me to sleep. Slowly my pillow starts to get warm and uncomfortable. I flip it over, and it quickly refreshes me. I thought of an assignment I hadn’t done that was due the next day, but it could wait. My phone was right next to me, begging to be looked at. I try to escape the darkness by thinking about what I would do the next day. The friends I would talk to, the games I would play, rushed into my head. All of my thoughts start to calm me down, especially as my eyes start to adjust to the darkness. After a few minutes fidgeting with my hands, I drift back to sleep into a midnight blur.

The author's comments:

This piece was about some people's fear in the dark also mixed with not being able to sleep because of it. I used a first person point of view to try and give a more spooky tone of the story. I tried showing what some people think of when in darkness, as they are often afraid of the unknown that could lie there. My favorite part of the piece is the use of repetition at the start and end of the piece to give a sense of closure using the phrase “midnight blur”.


This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 17 2022 at 9:04 pm
Muthbertzuthbert, Cupertino, California
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
This is truly the most exquisite piece of modern literature i have seen in 10 years. Most perfect!