The Perfect Prom | Teen Ink

The Perfect Prom

September 8, 2023
By erikaaa1026 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
erikaaa1026 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The "perfect" prom

            It was a Friday school day and we had been already halfway through the senior year which meant it was almost prom season! Everyone was excited because prom is known to be one of the biggest events in your high school years and also it's our last year before we finally graduate so obviously it's a big thing that is why me and my friends Tatiana, Joslyn, and Jocelyn are gonna be planning this year "perfect" prom for our last year in high school.

For us to be able to plan we need money so Joslyn had an idea and it was to start fundraising but Tatiana said 'Good idea! But what exactly are we going to be selling?' Joslyn said "We can start with the basics everyone sells the box of chocolates the whole school does it as well it's a good way to start then after we can sell the pretzels and the sweet popcorn' Joselyn said 'Okay ill start ordering the popcorn and the pretzels so we have them ready once the chocolates are out.' as they were doing all that I saw Mr. Adams coming our way and he saw that we were doing a lot of planning and he asked 'What is all this?' i answered 'Its some stuff so we could start fundraising and get money so we start planning this year's prom' by the look of his face he didn't like the idea so he took our planners and the boxes we had of chocolate and gives all of us a warning that we will get in trouble if we continue with the prom and he canceled everything and we just walked away upset.


             As we walked out of the school we were all upset and didn't know what we should do next so we sat down and talked:

(1)   I said 'So what now? Are we not gonna plan the prom anymore?(2) Tatiana said 'No! We can't just let him stop us from planning our perfect prom'(3) Joslyn said 'Tatiana is right we can't just let him do that its our last year of high school we have to make it count' (4) So we all decided to keep going and plan the prom at a venue so the next day we started ordering stuff for the place and kept selling what we could while most of us were selling we went to go pick out our dresses i wanted to choose a blue dress because blue is my favorite color but i tried on a pink dress and i decided to buy it because it looked good on me so i went with it and the other girls got their dresses and we went back to organize the place when we went back we saw that people started showing up we started to get ready while we got ready Joslyn was still making sure everything was organized and perfect she was being so independent and hardworking to make this prom good and we were proud after we got told not to do it we did it as a group i told Joslyn that she could go get ready ill greet the people that start coming from far i noticed someone familiar and it was Mr. Adams i was so shocked that he was here and he noticed me and quickly started coming towards my way so i started to get ready to see what to say


Mr. Adams came to me and started to get mad saying 'Why would yall still plan this even after I told y'all not to or there would be consequences Then I said ' This is our last year of high school all we wanted was a perfect prom before we leave and graduate so we weren't gonna let you stop us from having that so we did it no matter how bad we would get in trouble he saw that I was being serious and my friends came and helped me out and he just gave up and said 'fine y'all can have y'alls night

But still, y'all getting punished so we accepted it and we enjoyed our night and had the 'perfect' prom.

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