Love Never Forgotten | Teen Ink

Love Never Forgotten

September 8, 2023
By gs0300436 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
gs0300436 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hey Alexis just came to say happy birthday I still miss you. It still hurts when I come because it takes me back to those days when I extricate from life from everything that made me, me. The day just passes and passes stuck here in school when I’d rather be home in bed with the blanket Alexis had given me for my sixteenth birthday. Wrapped up tight in the blanket it feels like I’m getting hugged by her telling me how things would be fine just given time. Time right is the thing that we have so much of but so little as well. I just wish I could go back just to relive the memories we made (ring the school bell) The school bell the last thing I want to hear feels like every time it rings it's making fun of me with a smile on its face as if it was telling me another hour has passed that Alexis is no longer with you. ‘’Yo Kevin’’ My friend Jamal said. ‘’So, when are you coming back to practice?’’ ‘’I know coach said take as much time as you need but it’s almost been a year.’’ Jamal, I don’t know if I’m ready to go back. ‘’ Come on it’s are senior year I’ve known you since kindergarten and basketball always got your mind off, of things just come please.’’ Alright let’s go, as we walked together Jamal started to remind me that we made a promise that we would both go to Kentucky University on full-ride scholarship because it was the only D1 school to offer us both. ‘’ Just imagine Kev me the 6’10 power forward and you the 6’5 point guard, scoring bucket after bucket when we commit.’’ As we got done changing into our jerseys and headed out onto the court a sense of peace came over me. The bright lights hit your skin and that shiny wood floor smell reaches your nose something about it brought a sense of peace and warmth to my broken heart. ‘’ Kevin is that you?’’ Yelled my coach, Yeah it’s me Coach Jamal got me to come back down here. ‘’ So how have you been Kevin?’’ You know coach I’m holding on as much as I can. ‘’ But how are you really coming to talk to me in my office.” Yes, sir, I told him and followed him to his office. ‘’I get you may not want to talk about what you’re feeling in front of the rest of your team so how about you just tell me in here?’’  Man, coach I’ve tried everything from going on dates with other girls to going out with friends for days on end, I’ve tried it all Coach what do I do?  I asked the coach as I was choking on my words while crying like a little baby.  With a warmth voice full of compassion, the coach asked ‘’ Tell me what really is keeping you from being able to heal.’’ I…I… feel like if I allow myself to move on with my life and find happiness again I am going to forget her, I tell coach as he gives me a hug and I break down within the arms as she assures me everything will be found. Let me tell you something he said’’ It’s like my uncle has always told me in life is unfair we don’t get much time and not enough with the people we love and care for, but life goes on with or without you but the good thing about that is we are the one’s driving that steering wheel for the direction our life goes in.’’ For some reason that’s what I needed to hear After cleaning myself up I went out and played ball and I just felt like at that moment I ascended out of the dark misty cloud that hovered over me. It’s been years since that day Coach may never know it but he sent me on the path to greatness. Now at the age of 35 retired from the NBA with loving and caring kids and a wife, I can say I beat that pain and steered my life onto the best path.

The author's comments:

Something about me is that I love watching romantic things so I made my own ake on romance. 

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