Slight Scare | Teen Ink

Slight Scare

September 8, 2023
By carmelo97362498279187 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
carmelo97362498279187 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

1 day before Mother’s Day and Daniel still hasn’t gotten a gift! Upon realizing this he was filled with determination. In an instant he dashed outside, looking in every nook and cranny of his local park for the prettiest flowers there were. Despite searching for what seemed like years Daniel was yet to even glimpse a flower, and with all hope lost out of seemingly nowhere, “WOOSH” a huge gust of wind blew now ascending leaves and pedals to his face. The wind racing as if it was late to work. Daniel had instantly realized his mistake, he forgot to check the ditch at the far end of the park. After finally searching and collecting flowers for his mother he felt a weight lift off his shoulders. Daniel’s mom was ecstatic that he had given her flowers, and the erratic story that came with it too.

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