Michael's Revenge | Teen Ink

Michael's Revenge

September 8, 2023
By ChristopherSidrian BRONZE, Houston, Texas
ChristopherSidrian BRONZE, Houston, Texas
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People always say that betting in a casino is a waste of money, but at the Cats eye Casino in Japan there was a certain machine that was suspected to be rigged. The Cats Eye Casino was an antiquated location compared to everything around it. The machine was simple, a small steel marble was worth fifty-thousand dollars per play. Each play costs fifty-thousand dollars and if you lose your marble gets added to the bowl of marbles at the bottom. Inside of the giant bowl at the bottom there were about one-hundred thousand marbles, making the winning pay five-billion United States dollars. The marbles were a silver color and were extremely shiny, reflecting everything from themselves, those were worth fifty-thousand dollars, there were golden marbles too, a nice golden shine to them, but those were worth one-million dollars. Michael grew up as a poor and only child, his father was an alcoholic and his mother wouldn’t bat an eye in his direction, the only thing he could ever trust in the world was money. To Michael, money meant everything, ever since he was young, he believed that if he had enough money that he would be able to do anything he ever wanted. Michael was not wrong, nor was he right, money can’t exactly do everything for you. Michael once walked into a casino thinking he could jack a few wallets, purses, or handbags, but the only thing that he found was The Unwinnable. The Unwinnable is known for being one of the most high-risk high reward games to ever exist in casino history. The title “The Unwinnable” is true to how the machine works, there are five levels to the machine, the next being more unfair than the past. Each level is slightly slanted except for the last one, and even if you get to the last one it is nearly impossible to win. Michael had a past with the casino’s owner, the casino owner, known as Mr. C, was a loan shark in his younger days. He overthrew his old boss and that is how he has all the money he does now. Michael has always had enmity towards Mr. C because the boss put his parents in heavy debt, and Michael has to pay it off or else he gets hunted down. Mr. C was an evil man, he would always say he was a lion because he was a leader. In everyone else’s eyes he was a gazelle, but they could not say anything or else he would put them in debt in his casino. Michael had made a master plan to steal all the marbles from the casino, first he would sneak in before they opened and fix the machine, because the platforms were slightly tilted so that the marble would always lose when it was close to winning, another thing he would do is take his own marble to check if he fixed it correctly. Eventually it is time for the casino to open and Michael goes to try to win the machine, but someone must have messed with it. “It must have been Mr. C,” Michael thought to himself. Michael had a lot of enmity towards Mr. C, and it was all because of his childhood. Michael came from an extremely poor family, and they were in debt and were slowly paying it off to extricate themselves from the debt. Michael walked up to Mr. C and asked if the machine was rigged, and Mr. C said no with derision in his voice. Michael then went to his rich friend and asked for two-hundred thousand dollars as a loan to try to win, suddenly Michael ended up losing and Mr. C was watching him while sitting down. Michael tried thinking of another way to get at him, but he was just stuck thinking of how Mr. C was able to fix the machine without him noticing. Then all of a sudden Michael breaks the glass to the marbles and they come pouring out. Michael has officially lost it, his mental health was deteriorating all because of the owner of the casino being so cocky. Michael didn’t know what to do so he suddenly picked up as many marbles as he could and started bolting for the front door. The alarm sounds and the windows are being barricaded with blast proof metal and the main entrance has a large metal gate slowly closing so no one could get out. Michael speeds while running away from the security team and they almost catch him, but he slides under the gate. He looks back at the gate and sees that the owner was very angry and screams, “you will never catch me alive, nor will you receive the money I am in debt to you for!” As he is screaming this a loud band is suddenly heard, Michael looks down and sees something dripping from his head, he tries feeling for it and notices a hole. It was a bullet hole; he had been shot by one of the security officers.

The author's comments:

Im okay at rainbow six siege, im better at ping pong

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