The Little Valery | Teen Ink

The Little Valery

September 13, 2023
By Anonymous

                                                         The little Valery

There was a little girl named Valery she was about to turn eight in 3 months. Valery was a very nice girl, she did not have a lot of friends because she was a very quiet girl. Her parents loved her . One day Valery was going to school like a normal day and new girl came in to the class. The name of the girl was Samantha. Samantha always had her face like she was mad or embittered .

The day that Samantha came into the class she sat right next to Valery. Samantha with the time made friends quickly the only thing that somehow Samantha did not like Valery . Every time they went to lunch Samantha always tried to bother Valery . One day Valery’s dad went to eat with her so they could eat together. Everything was going just fine until her dad left and Valery went back to her seat were was Samantha seating and everyone was seating together Samantha starts to bother Valery

“Valery only eats when her little dad comes” Samantha said 

“Can you leave me alone i'm not doing nothing to you” Valery said

“Look at her dad is so short and ugly like her now I see why she looks like that” Samantha said 

All the kids  that were seating near started to laugh at Valery . She stayed quiet and she did not say a word. Valery felt like she had something stuck on her throat, her eyes were very read and she started crying. But she never said anything about what happened the time pass and it was the same thing every single day. Valery was tired of it so she tried to tell the teacher about what was happening but the teacher did not listen and Samantha found out what was Valery was trying to do.

“ Don’t even try to tell someone about what is happening because everything is going to be worse for you”

Valery did not respond; she was scared she wanted to cry and disappear for that moment. Every time her mom or dad wanted to leave her at school she would always cry because she didn’t wanted to go to school anymore. Their parents started to see how she behaved and they always looked at her sad and she did not want to eat, play or even talk sometimes . Her parents one day tried to talk to her about what was happening in school they wanted to help her and Valery trusted her parents and told them everything.  Her parents were really mad and upset about what was happening and they never knew so they decided to talk to the principal and teacher . After the conference they had with the teacher and principal they called Smantha’s mom and the principal told her the situation . Samantha’s mom was very mad with her. She apologized to Valery's parents and Valery. Samantha and Valery tried to be friends and both helped each other and made new friends . After that Valery never got bothered again. 

The author's comments:

I'm in 11th grade and I go to Memorial High School

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