Friends | Teen Ink


October 6, 2023
By bridgetbucari BRONZE, Westwood, Massachusetts
bridgetbucari BRONZE, Westwood, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 The names Leo and Katie used to never be separated from each other, every time one was mentioned the other was always right behind. They grew together from kids in the playroom making playdoh muffins at their preschool, to 3rd graders with a bright passion for soccer, then middle schoolers who spent every day after school riding their bikes or when the season was right throwing snowballs at passing cars. 

Neither of them meant to end the friendship, it kind of just, happened. Katie took more time to hang out with her soccer friends and spent almost all of her time at work, while Leo spent most of his time in the hospital, watching as his father died slowly. Katie used to visit but stopped. Especially when Leo's father got bad, Leo assumed it was the respirator, the tubes scared him too, he always wished he could have just left like Katie, but he had to be there, he knew there wasn't enough time left for his dad for him to just up and leave. 

The moment his dad died, he only wanted Katie, but with the seasons changing since the last time they spoke, he thought that it wasn't fair to her to burden her with the news. 

Years passing bring the separated duo to their senior year of high school. They haven't spoken since the funeral. Leo didn't expect Katie to even know about it, let alone attend and pay her respects to him. 

The last thing either of them needed was Katie giving who was once her friend a hug, their tears both staining one another's shoulders. This is the last moment of the friendship between the two. Katie thought of it like a sand-filled hourglass. As the last grain dropped, neither of them decided to flip it back over. 

Time passed on, bringing the two to their senior year. Memories of each other faded away as they became different people. Leo and his boyfriend finally went public but Leo never seemed to become any happier than he's been in years. When it comes to katie's life, the only places you'll see her are the soccer field or the cafe she works at much more than she should. But katie is benched for the season, a soccer ball to the wrong part of her head which resulted in a concussion, obviously her boss doesn't know this because she can't afford to stop working. 

The only place they saw each other was at school, specifically the elevator. Katie's in it for her concussion  and Leo apparently twisted his ankle he won't tell anyone the story of  how it happened. Katie suspects that he was running from the cops. one day they ended up in the elevator together this happened around once a week when their schedules lined up and both had to go to the second floor. The Rainy Thursday wasn't different than any other day they had at school. They both just pressed the button to get to the second and third floor and pretended that the other one wasn't there. until they both heard the biggest crash coming from the Elevator Shaft above. “ What the hell?” Katie mumbled to herself, only thinking about her biology exam she was already late for.  After the crashing the lights turn out, leaving only the illumination of there phones and leos freshly lit cigarette that katie didn't even realize he had pulled out of his pocket.

“Are you nuts?” Katie snarled towards the boy, grabbing it out of his mouth and stomping it under her shoe. 

“You know i have two boxes losing one wont do too much to me” the boy murmured back to her.

“So he speaks!” katie shoots back to him sarcastically

“Funny for you to say that, your majesty” leo scoffs 

“Your majesty? What are you on leo?” Katie shoots back, slumping to the ground of the elevator, using her backpack as a seat. “How did this happen to us” she finishes her sentence, but only loud enough for her to hear.  

“What did you just say to me” leo snapped

“You know what. I said what happened to us.” 

“What happened to us katie?  What happened was you left me. You saw me at my weakest and couldn't handle it because you had to go on and be a soccer star, you had to be little miss popular, you left me katie. This is different from a relationship breakup, it's been us since everything. Since diapers and first kisses, you can't ask what happened when you happened. You grew away from me and I blame you for it. Always have.”

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