Regret - It’s Real | Teen Ink

Regret - It’s Real

November 6, 2023
By Anonymous

She looks outside the window. The rain pours down. It’ll be okay. It beats down on the windows, loud sounds crashing through her ears. Clearly the sound penetrates his ears as well, as he perks his head up, disturbed. It’ll be okay, she whispers to him. 

             Her eyes wander off into blank space. What if this rain never stops. What if it just keeps pouring down. She couldn’t control it. No one could for that matter. What if, what if, it’s all in the mind. Just reassurance. It’ll be okay. It will. 

             She imagines running through grass. Squeaky toys, piercing barks, constant walks. Things that would normally annoy her. When the little pup bit her for the first time, she just had to tell herself, it’ll be okay. 

              However these feelings she would want to cherish. It won’t be long before he  disappears . Not the feelings, but him. Who knows what could happen to him. No one. Anything could, at any moment. 

             His eyes meet hers. His soulful, happy, young. Hers leaking tears, sadness, and guilt. His head tilts, she chuckles. She can’t stop these feelings. They come out. What can be done? 

             She buries her tear filled face into his soft, comforting fur. In between gasping for air, sobs, she repeats it. 

             It’ll be okay.

The author's comments:

For this set piece, I tried to work on using repetition throughout the story. This is about me being worried about losing my dog to old age or any sickness, and reassuring myself that I will be okay. In the fifth paragraph I showed how I felt guilty about all the time I’m slowly pushing away with him. This piece really shows the emotional side of myself when it comes to losing someone I love dearly, as my dog is like a little brother to me.

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