An Old Brown Frama | Teen Ink

An Old Brown Frama

July 24, 2010
By OceanW BRONZE, Fernie, Other
OceanW BRONZE, Fernie, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You have enemies? Good, that means you stood up for something.<br /> -Eminem

The frame was a light brown color, kind of like milk chocolate. Its edges were scratched and chipped from its years of age and the way it tilted to the side proved that it was broken. But it still did the job. It gave the black and white photo behind the glass a lining and an indication of its age.

The photo itself wasn't quite large, merely the size of a small book. But that wasn't important. What really mattered was the photo's contents.

In the withered picture was a young couple, a boy and a girl, both around the age of 20. The boy had a tall muscular stature, and what seemed to be black hair. The woman was small and thin and seemed to have light brown hair. He had his arms around her and her face was turned up towards his in a loving manner. They were both smiling while they stood on a white sand beach with impressive cliffs behind them and gentle salty waves at their feet. They gave the impression of a truly happy couple. The way their smiles radiated laughter and the way their embrace showed their love, even in a still photo it was easily shown that they truly cared for each other. I could easily tell that the happy European couple hadn't planned to be torn apart by the cruel gifts of war.

But the unfortunate news of the war and then later his heroic death forced them apart. But the memory of their love will always remain in the form of a black and white picture, in an old brown frame.

The author's comments:
I was listening to a song one day about a woman who's husband had to leave because of war. He ended up dying and she never loved again. It's sad really, but it inspired me to write this story.

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