The Last Day.. | Teen Ink

The Last Day..

October 11, 2010
By mikamika94 GOLD, Marshall, Virginia
mikamika94 GOLD, Marshall, Virginia
11 articles 4 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
"But now I'm told that this is life and pain is just a simple compromise to get what we want out of it." ~ Paramore ,"Misguided Ghosts

They say the world may end tomorrow and I can’t truly say that there aren’t things I would regret. How could there not be? However, if the world would turn to oblivion tomorrow I know what I would do and I’m all too aware that I would seep into the ever-dreaming sleep all alone.
The last sunrise would be breathtakingly beautiful. I would rise with it just to take in its loveliness. I would put on my black lace dress but no shoes, for I want my emerald toenails to show. I would let my dark hair keep its developing waviness instead of making it unnaturally straight and I’d apply my darkest eyeliner and greenest eye shadow. Oh, my darling, I know you won’t appear.
It would rain the prettiest rain which would turn the moss brown and green. I’d daringly go out and dance in the shower because I know I’ll never be able to do so again. I’d sing a haunting melody I wrote for the love who left me praying that somehow, wherever he was, he’d manage to catch a glimpse of the fairy image I presented. He loved how ethereal I appeared. I’d come in the house drenched but uncaring about the carpet. It’d no longer matter since who would be there to care tomorrow?
In the house I’d walk to my bookshelf and lift my favorite novel off the shelf. I’d flip to my favorite parts and read them all over again for the hundredth time so it’d be fresh in my mind. Hours would go by and the world would grow depressed and haunted. The last sunset would be approaching quickly. I’d gently pull my family onto the damp porch to watch the stunning lights as the glimpses of the sun fell away and we would be left with the knowledge that we would never see it again.
The final hour is approaching and I’d tell my mother how amazing she is. I’d tell her that she’s always been my best friend and everything she’s ever done has made me grateful. I love her so much. I’d tell her finally that I want her and her fiancé to have their final moments with each other and my little sister. I’d tell my older sister to go to be with her boyfriend, whom she loves so much, and finally I’d tell my little sister that I love her even though I so rarely say it aloud. When these farewells were done I’d go once more to my room to acquire a picture taken of my lost love and I where we were happy and leave my only home.
I’d find my favorite tree with the richest grass growing all around it and I’d lie down upon the ground, placing the picture of us over my heart. The last thing I’d do would be to look up at the night sky and sing our song, “And it makes me what to be near you always.”


This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 14 2010 at 8:10 pm
deus-ex-machina14 BRONZE, Stewartsville, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 439 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There are two main tragedies in life. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it." -Oscar Wilde

Beautiful writing! I would consider making it a little longer, but don't change the style! Good job!