A Breath of Fresh Water | Teen Ink

A Breath of Fresh Water

October 13, 2010
By kidmick98 GOLD, Gulliver, Michigan
kidmick98 GOLD, Gulliver, Michigan
16 articles 4 photos 41 comments

Favorite Quote:
I will act as if I do make a difference. -- William James

I plunge into the freezing depths. First my fingers, arms and body, then my legs and toes. Tiny bubbles burst and gurgle and giggle around me as I glide through the blue, so aqueous and fluid. I reach in front of me and clutch the vastness of a universe that extends all around me. Soon I am part of it, as I draw nearer and nearer to the abyss. Every stroke, each constant rhythmic motion swallows me deeper in a flawless profundity. I plummet so deep that a twilight descends upon me and I yearn for the light, a hope, the bleak joy of daylight. I amplify my courage, my strength, and my will and take one last swish of my legs, one seize of the darkness radiating from the vastness as if scaling a mountain. I glide to the surface and breathe.


This article has 5 comments.

kidmick98 GOLD said...
on Nov. 1 2010 at 1:01 pm
kidmick98 GOLD, Gulliver, Michigan
16 articles 4 photos 41 comments

Favorite Quote:
I will act as if I do make a difference. -- William James

Thanks. When I was writing it, I was holding my breath, too!

Mike said...
on Nov. 1 2010 at 9:07 am
I found myself holding my breath while I was reading.  I felt like I was there, wanting to take a breath after breaking the surface.  Wow!  Awesome work!

kidmick98 GOLD said...
on Oct. 19 2010 at 5:35 pm
kidmick98 GOLD, Gulliver, Michigan
16 articles 4 photos 41 comments

Favorite Quote:
I will act as if I do make a difference. -- William James

I didn't even know this one got on.... wow!

BigDan said...
on Oct. 18 2010 at 8:14 pm
Another one published! Gosh your on a roll!

Ally said...
on Oct. 18 2010 at 4:54 pm
Wow u r so amazing at writing! I had no idea, i love it!