Cold Weather | Teen Ink

Cold Weather

January 14, 2011
By alec mortensen SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
alec mortensen SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
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The cold and snowy weather is an anathema to most people in Wisconsin this time of year. The snow is timorous to people driving on the road. It is fractious and causes people to slip and drift and causes accidents. Snow can also cause schisms in the road where the cold weather causes the road to crack. It also truncates your gas mileage. Some ostentatious drivers use the snow and ice to drift on purpose. This dangerous driving can be hazardous to the people driving and others on the road. The snow also causes problems for state and city governments. The city has the responsibility of putting salt on the roads to melt the ice, but in Wisconsin sometimes we do not have enough salt. When a city runs out of salt to put on the roads then there is nothing melt the ice on the roads causing more problems with sliding.
Even though it causes problems, it does create for a beautiful view of the scenery. The snow expunges the dull colors of the trees and ground to create a utopian type of atmosphere. The snow is flamboyantly white and shining and creates a dazzling effect in the sun. The snow falls in a jaunty manner, sparkling as it comes to the ground. Despite these effects, the snow causes more problems than it is worth.

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