Tribulation | Teen Ink


July 9, 2011
By gemini0696 SILVER, Bpt, Connecticut
gemini0696 SILVER, Bpt, Connecticut
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Pain, uncontrollable, instilled emotion that is imprinted into your soul once endured. Whats the way to escape it, erase it, the memories to disappear? There isn't any way. So what do you do? Too scared to run for help, scared to look weak; embarrassed, you take the blade, slip it across your wrist, a real reason for pain, no? What's the point of fussing over little happenings from the past, make it present with the scars and cuts. That's just what you do, when the past creeps up on you, when words get the best of your feelings, or when tears create puddles, amateur pain is cured with "the real stuff," face it, your broken and torn inside and no one would expect it with the smile painted across the despicable thing you call your face, and bracelets trying to cover up the pain, not one person is going to take the time to really show they care and talk to you until its too late and they're conversing with a coffin; your coffin, everything disappeared.

But, by then you wasted your life. YOUR life, wasted on picking at your own soul and becoming a murder of the person you used to know. That's not the way to solve problems, you are beautiful. Love will find its way, forget the deadbeats who put you down, forget those who betrayed you, show them that you can do so much better without them. Think of alternative ways of happiness, sorrow will always slither its ways into your life. It will only eat as much as you let it, insecurities is its biggest prey. Never underestimate your capabilities. Don't be the statistic of self-harm or suicide, be an example of recovery. Never give one the satisfaction of seeing your tears, once that is in their control, they'll be the dictator of your emotions, never give someone control of that, your way to good for that. This is not just a general statement, its for all those people who have repeatedly cried themselves to sleep at night, never thought they were good enough, those scared to put on a bikini or take their shirt off at the beach, the cutters, those who have witnessed first-hand betrayal from people they would least expect, and those who never thought they were good enough. This is not for the girls who call themselves fat for attention or the guys who have sex with multiple girls just to look "cool," this is not for the people who cry because their parents aren't able to give them $200 for the mall and the teenagers who think the world is going to end after one breakup and they are now "forever alone." Welcome to the life, take a set and get back to your old self, love who you are because there is no one who could do you better, I sincerely promise that. There's always hope.

The author's comments:
(: for those who feel lost in their own body. i understand those feelings better than anyone, i want others to know they are not alone and there is always another way.


This article has 2 comments.

on Aug. 11 2011 at 12:59 am
gemini0696 SILVER, Bpt, Connecticut
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment
wow, i didnt even know. i didnt mean for it to be like that, i think tthere was a glitch or something.

on Aug. 10 2011 at 6:57 pm
secrets_of_silence GOLD, Gisborne, Other
12 articles 0 photos 439 comments

Favorite Quote:
life had i loved the more<br /> had it but passed away<br /> as quietly as the day<br /> ebbs from the darkening star.<br /> <br /> <br /> -emanuel litvinoff

i agree but whats with all the quote unquote stuff