9-1-1 I Need Your Help! | Teen Ink

9-1-1 I Need Your Help!

November 11, 2011
By MercyChristine GOLD, Oak Grove, Minnesota
MercyChristine GOLD, Oak Grove, Minnesota
10 articles 7 photos 57 comments

Favorite Quote:
oh shnykeis!

"Haili Emerson," Haili felt her stomach drop to the floor. She stepped up to the microphone.
It's just a stupid contest, Haili, she told herself. Why are you so nervous? It's not like it matters. Just stupid requirement for your dumb speech class. Somehow, this didn't make her feel any better. Haili cleared her throat and spoke.
"I do not want to be here," Haili began truthfully. "I am being held against my will, dragged along to get fine arts credits so I can pass the eighth grade. My friends like this sort of thing. I don't. To tell you the truth, I'm mortified. I'm terrified out of my wits," Haili gave a nervous little titter. One and a half minutes to go, she told herself. "I'm dying up here. Get those cell phones you were supposed to turn off but didn't really, and be ready to call 9-1-1. I think I'll pass out any second now," Half way there, Haili reassured herself.
The audience gave a little laugh. They thought this was her story. She went with it.
"Well, maybe not. But you should call the police. I've been kidnapped and am being forced to weave a tale out of nothingness just so I can live. If I don't tell this story, I'll be burned alive. Better call the fire department, too, while you're at it."
Haili saw the judges hold up a sign that said “30 seconds,” which meant she had to wrap this up. “Okay, okay, you got me. That’s all a lie. But…you might want to call in the military, because there are spies among us, and it’s up to us to save the day!”
10 seconds. Suddenly, Haili knew exactly how to end her story. “Aw, man. Time for dinner. I’ll see you later at school. I just love playing pretend!”
Haili took a bow, and went back to her seat to watch the rest of the story telling contest. The audience clapped and laughed.
“Most entertaining,” the awards announcer said. “Goes to Haili Emerson!”

The author's comments:
Just a random writing prompt I had, and I liked the way it turned out.


This article has 2 comments.

on Nov. 14 2011 at 8:09 pm
MercyChristine GOLD, Oak Grove, Minnesota
10 articles 7 photos 57 comments

Favorite Quote:
oh shnykeis!

thanks so much.

feel free to check out some of my other work...I'll do the same for you



natty5 BRONZE said...
on Nov. 14 2011 at 8:01 pm
natty5 BRONZE, West Dundee, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 66 comments
This is great!