The Staring | Teen Ink

The Staring

July 15, 2012
By LivyNewhall DIAMOND, Palm Coast, Florida
LivyNewhall DIAMOND, Palm Coast, Florida
69 articles 15 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be the change that you want to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi

I was sitting in my living room. I felt his eyes on me. Looking up I noticed him staring at me. It wasn't attraction. He had a blank stare. Like he didn't know what to think, or maybe he just couldn't understand what he was thinking. It was peculiar to see him looking at me. I couldn't explain the look on his face. Yet I looked up several times to meet his gaze. Every time he was looking my way he was talking to my brother. I couldn't seem to figure out what his staring was about, yet I found myself desperately wanting to know.

I didn't see him often. When he had showed up at our doorstep we all kind of looked at him shocked, then my brother quickly said "hey!". We all shot sarcasm his way about never coming around anymore. He just laughed and kept insisting that it was because of his new job. We were happy to see him, but at the same time it was weird. The whole night had been weird for me, but I think it was weird in general for everyone in the room.

My brother started talking to him and that's when the staring started. At first it was just a glance, then it became gazing, then suddenly staring. I tried not to look back but in some ways felt like I had to. I looked up every time thinking that he would quickly look away but he didn't. I found myself being the one to quickly look away. Even after he left I couldn't stop thinking about the staring. I decided to just let the whole situation fade away in my memory, but knew that it wouldn't stay faded for long.

The author's comments:
I felt myself needing to write this piece.


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