Whispers | Teen Ink


November 18, 2012
By Kyra Chekouras BRONZE, Shamong, New Jersey
Kyra Chekouras BRONZE, Shamong, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I heard the wind calling out to me in a whisper, enticing me to follow the rustling of the leaves far out in the distance. The leaves start to show the warm colors of fall, some slowly floating to the cold ground. It took a moment to realize I was walking deeper into the forest, farther from humanity, but closer to the whispers.
As I trudged forward the air seemed to cool, send chills down my spine. Some part of me wanted to turn around and get out, but I was far too curious now. Above, the sun began its descent, casting shadows all around me. The darkness invaded the forest quickly and I couldn't help but feel jumpy. Every noise made my heartbeat quicken and my my curiosity deepen.
That didn't sway me as I came into a small clearing surrounded by trees. The wind rustled the leaves and I heard them again. The whispers. "Get out" They said, "Turn around and never come back."
Suddenly, I felt a pair of ghostly hands encircle my waist, dragging me into the darkness. I became increasingly drowsy, letting the darkness take me as the words "Get out." repeated in my head, getting quieter each time, before disappearing entirely. My eyes fluttered open and I glanced at my surroundings. I realized I was in my bed and it was all just a dream. As I got up, the words "Get out." lodged in my head, haunting me forever.

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