A Wonderful Friend | Teen Ink

A Wonderful Friend

January 31, 2013
By Julia_schu_827 SILVER, Hastings, Minnesota
Julia_schu_827 SILVER, Hastings, Minnesota
9 articles 2 photos 0 comments

A Wonderful Friend

Avery looked up at her beautiful friend, who was sitting beside her, her face stained with tears. Avery gave her a small smile, showing her that she could still do it. Bella chuckled quietly, not wanting to disturb Avery. Avery sighed and looked out the window. She knew that this was how everyone would be acting around her. Poor little Avery has cancer and might not live. Avery scowled and reached for Bella’s hand. Bella held on tight, squeezing every once in a while. She knew that Avery may die. But that did not mean she
did not have hope. She believed in Avery. Believed that Avery could get through this and be strong again.

They were now in the hospital, the darkened room peaceful. Bella looked down at Avery. Her eyes had deep, purple bags under them, and what little hair she had stuck to her sweaty face. Bella lifted her other hand and started to stroke Avery’s face. The small girl smiled weakly, her face lighting up, for just a fraction of a second. Bella looked around the room, searching for Avery’s parents. They had gone to get some food and were still not back. She thought that perhaps they would like to see their daughter, as she had been sleeping all day. But then she remembered their faces, how sad and depressed they were when they were by Avery. She decided to let them eat and hope.

Bella laid her head on their interlocked hands and started crying again. Avery patted her head soothingly, as she did not like to see her friend cry. She had hoped this would not happen. It made her more weak, more tired. She sighed and closed her eyes. Bella’s head snapped up and she checked Avery’s heart beat, making sure she was fine. She gasped when she saw the heart rate. It was not worse, no, it was definitely better. “Nurse,” she croaked, her voice dry from crying all day.

The nurse shuffled in, huffing and puffing, her eyes wide and alert. Her plump body hit Avery’s bed painfully. She cursed under her breath and laid her eyes on Bella, accusingly. “What?” She hissed as she looked around the room, searching for the uninvited. Bella pointed at the heart rate and the plump nurse gasped. “It’s better. Oh my, oh my, this is a lovely surprise, isn’t it? Oh dear, and she’s awake!” The nurse squealed in excitement.

Avery looked between Bella and the nurse. Her eyes were wide in fear and excitement. Fear, because of the nurse and in excitement, because she was feeling better. Her small, weak hand grasped her bed rails and lifted her frail little self. Once she was sitting up, she let go and huffed a large breath. Avery stared at the nurse, who was now humming to herself, and started to chuckle. “Oh,” she whispers. “This is exciting, isn’t it Bella? I may go home now!”

Avery’s parents walked in and stopped in amazement at the sight of their daughter sitting up and a nurse shuffling around the room, cursing whenever she bumped something. They ran over to Avery’s side, their lips pulled back in tight smiles. Jeffrey, Avery’s dad, grabbed his daughter’s hand, murmuring words of encouragement. Angelica’s eyes watered up and her lips formed a pouting position. She glanced at the nurse and quickly looked back at her daughter. Avery talked nonstop about going back home. Her face lightened up and never went back down. Angelica stroked her daughter’s beautiful bare head and gave her a light kiss.

The nurse walked silently - besides all the bangs and curses - around the room. Finally a helpful nurse walked in. She nudged Bella and gestured toward the couch. Bella sat on the couch and let go of a long sigh. The new nurse moved her hands around Avery expertly and asked questions, like how she was feeling. Avery answered each question honestly and smiled broadly whenever the new nurse said nice and positive things. After several minutes of fidgeting, the nurse wrote notes on her billboard. She walked from the room only to walk back in moments later with a doctor.

The doctor took his glasses off and glanced in Bella’s direction and then at the first nurse. “Miss Andrews, why don’t you bring Mrs. Blunting out to the hall?” Miss Andrews smirked and brought Mrs. Blunting to the hall. With a few curses and protests, Mrs. Blunting left the room. The doctor chuckled slowly and then looked at Avery, who was staring at him expectantly. He smiled and walked to her side. “Miss Steinhart, your results came back negative.” He glanced at Bella and then back to Avery. “The cancer has left your blood and you may go back home tonight. I would like it if you came back again so we can see how you are improving.”

Angelica looks down at Avery in amazement and Jeffrey chuckles. Bella jumped from her couch and walked to her friend’s side. She grasped Avery’s hand and squeezed it in encouragement.

The doctor smiled slightly and walked out of the room. Avery squealed and jumped up, giving her parents a hug. She dressed quickly and fifteen minutes later they were out the door, Avery holding a small bag of her belongings. She is, of course, still weak. But as she was filled with excitement, nothing could bring her down, like a small bag.

On the car ride home, Avery fell asleep on Bella’s lap. Her snores filled the small car and her parents were talking in whispers up front. Bella patted Avery’s back and laid her own head on top of Avery’s. And this way she fell asleep, being tired from the long and exciting day.

And when Avery awoke in the morning and found Bella curled into her, she thanked God for keeping her alive and giving her such a wonderful friend.

The End


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