Pokeatics | Teen Ink


June 3, 2013
By Jose Morales BRONZE, Watsonville, California
Jose Morales BRONZE, Watsonville, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On a sunny afternoon, the sun was setting crispy golden above the aqua clear sky with no clouds insight. My friends and I were heading to our usual eating spot. We happen to notice that the jocks were coming our way, but they stumbled across the pokeatics fan club. My friends didn't want any part of their stupidity acts so they decided to leave. I for one stay because I was already comfortable in the raven shade.

Slowly the jocks appeared in front of them “Hey nerds what are you guys up too?” said the captain of the foot ball team known as Steve Mason. Steve stood out of the crowd because he was the tallest among them all at 6’3 and very muscular. I also notice that they were particularly picking on one certain kid. “Answer me Josh!” yelled Mason. I always remembered Josh being decent tall at 5’8 and not very muscular, since I could remember he used to be one of my best friends.

“Leave us alone you jerk” replied a kid from the crowd.

Mason stared into his eyes and uttered “Get lost if you know what’s good for you!” They suddenly all scattered in different directions, like ants when you disrupt them. Josh seems to be the only one that stayed.

Mason grabbed Josh before he could leave, “Let me go” mumbled Josh.

“No, let me see this,” answered Mason. He grabbed his Nintendo DS, suddenly it had turned into monkey in the middle where josh was the monkey.
“Please give it back. PLEASE!” Josh screamed out loud. Maybe it was to get someone’s attention, someone like me. Even throughout all his efforts, I seem to ignore him even as he yelled for help. The piercing sound got into me like the nails on a chalkboard. I tried to ignore everything as it wasn't happening before my very eyes. Maybe the best thing was to get up and aid him in his conflict. Or maybe I should have left the scene like a criminal on a crime scene. Neither was the case I had just stayed put, like the arctic snow whispering cold brushes of air unable to move frozen like metal statue.
“Hey, we should make this baby cry,” said one of the jocks.
“I know what to do” answered Mason. The look on his face terrified Josh. “I’m going to delete everything on your file.” threatened Mason.
“No please do anything besides that I beg you. Please!” cried Josh.
The bell rang, like the alarm in the morning that awakens you from your dream. Expect this wasn't a dream; at least we all wanted it to be. The damage had occurred and what was done was done. Josh was left all alone in tears with his cartage in his palm.
“Why, why?” he shouted to himself.
As my own effort to escape reality I looked away. I could tell in the corner of my eyes he was staring at me. Wondering why, I happen to notice his items were tossed at my direction. That was my chance to make things right, but even so I didn't. Moments had passed. He was right in front of me before I knew it. An awkward situation it was. No words were spoken just an empty shell of my former self. I assumed he was waiting for me to return his items, but he had realized I had no intentions. As I could tell that the jocks were still looking at us.
“Thanks” Josh had whispered.
Afterwards I had an emotional build up. Over thinking why didn't I help him? Was it because I was afraid? Could I have made a difference? Why did I have to encounter this situation? So many whys, but at the end the real issue was I didn't do anything to help.

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