Little B. and the Big Race | Teen Ink

Little B. and the Big Race

June 2, 2013
By Brianjkohr23 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
Brianjkohr23 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
21 articles 0 photos 1 comment

There was once a boy known as Little b. All Little b wanted was to win the big race. All the other boys wrote him off. Because unlike Little b, they were big and strong. "You are not fast enough", they told Little b. Little b saw this. But in reply he said, 'I have a big heart." Jesus will guide me and that's a fact. I may not be big and strong, but I am small and mighty, because Jesus told me so. They can be Goliath, I will be David.

So on the day of the big race, Little b strapped on his running shoes and looked to above. He said, "This ones for the friends I've lost." From the start of the race he ran his heart out. As he reached the final straight away, almost out of gas, he remembered the most important thing. Jesus died, so we can do great things.

As he crossed the finish line, a tear trickled down his face. Because on that day, Little B, had won the big race.

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