The Patient | Teen Ink

The Patient

October 28, 2013
By TheMysteriousElfie GOLD, Cleveland, Ohio
TheMysteriousElfie GOLD, Cleveland, Ohio
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Wally was always my best friend.
I loved the way he would always be available to talk about anything I wanted to. Ex girlfriends, the olden days of high school, and of course every man’s possible desire.
Besides me, he had another best friend who was always willing to stay by his side. His name was Skeeter, and he was quite a playful mutt. Wally didn’t know what he would have done if he had lost that dog.
Wally was also quite the hipster. He loved coffee shops, and he especially loved to order lattes. I remember how girls would always admire him from afar while they were on their laptops. He was their young adult dream: shaggy auburn hair, skinny legs that resembled the same type as birds, and a swift Dutch-sounding accent.
Whenever we would go places, he would always be ready for adventure. However, he constantly had his headphones in his ears. I don’t know what he would listen to every time, but I knew that he enjoyed the music of Gotye and Bon Iver. Even when it was eighty two degrees out, Wally would wear jeans and winter hats that resembled animals. His favorite hat was the one that resembled a dinosaur, his favorite animal.
You could say that Wally was like a kid at heart. He never really grew up; he would just sit at my place all day and eat Captain Crunch. He would talk about having kids of his own, but he couldn’t even get pass the idea of changing a filthy diaper. Let alone get pass a first date without mentioning the scar on his back. Despite his lack of maturity, it didn’t stop me from being his best friend.
Even though Wally is gone, we will never stop being pals. I will never forget the day he left to get on the train in order to “find something new”. However, he promised no matter what that he would always think of me.
And I still believe him.

“So that’s who Wally is?”
“I still wonder where he is, doc.”
“This is unfortunate news, and I’m sorry to tell you this, but Wally doesn’t exist.”
“Because… You are schizophrenic.”

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This article has 2 comments.

on Nov. 4 2013 at 10:19 am
TheMysteriousElfie GOLD, Cleveland, Ohio
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Aw thanks! Others have said the same about the ending. Lol :)

on Nov. 1 2013 at 11:08 am
Lilly_Cat BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 16 comments
Really good ending. That kinda creeped me out :)