Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover | Teen Ink

Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover

November 13, 2013
By Grace Kim BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
Grace Kim BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“This is how you write a D,” Stacy said to her little brother, Dilbert. Dilbert is dyslexic since the day he was born. He is going to Kindergarten and he still doesn't know how to write his name. Fortunately, Stacy doesn't have this problem. She really loves to read and write stories of all kind. She wrote a story about her pet cat turning into a goat when she was five.
“Do you want a break?” asked Stacy with a soothing tone. “Yes, please.” replied Dilbert. Stacy stood from the table and walked toward her room weakly. She was picking out her clothes for the first day of school tomorrow. She couldn't wait until middle school. She felt so grown up. Stacy couldn't choose between a sweater and a lace shirt. She went with the lace shirt since it looked more grown-up like. She threw her new pair of jeans on the chair ready for tomorrow. After lying on her bed with relief her phone buzzed. She picked her phone up with a frown. Her best friend, Jenna sent her a text. It said “Oh great school tomorrow.” Jenna and Stacy are the two most popular kids in school.
Dilbert knocked on the door very softly. He needed help to turn on the TV. Stacy removed herself from the phone and turned the handle with care. She turned the TV on to Dilbert’s favorite channel.
Around 5:30 her parents came home with Tom’s Tacos. It was a tradition every year to eat tacos the night before the first day of school. Gilbert trudged down the stairs with disappointment and tears.
“I am so dumb,” screamed Dilbert. “No matter how hard I try I always end up failing.” Dilbert screamed louder. Stacy walked up to Dilbert trying to calm his temper down. She went up to his room and grabbed his favorite stuffed animal. But, it didn't help at all. He threw the monkey across with fury.
“Dilbert, it is going to get better, once you get to school.” Stacy said with a reassuring tone. She hugged Dilbert tightly as if she was glued to him. After a couple of silence, everybody else started to cry. All of them desperate pitied over him. The dinner ended up serving a bowl of tears.
After five boxes of tissue, it was time for bed. She wasn't in the mod for brushing her teeth so she just hopped onto bed with her brother.
“I wish I was normal.” hiccuped Dilbert.
“Sometimes not being normal leads to amazing things,” replied Stacy.

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