Winning Worlds | Teen Ink

Winning Worlds

December 15, 2013
By Anonymous

My dream has always been to win The Cheerleading Worlds. Worlds is the last competition of the cheer season. Only the best teams go to it, because you have to get a bid to go. The competitions that you compete at can give you the bids, you could either get an at-large bid or a full paid bid. If you get an at-large bid you are invited to go but you have to pay for it, which cost $25,000! If you get a full paid bid then they pay for everything including food, hotel rooms, and transportation. If you win worlds you get a ring which says World Champion on it, and I want one.

Ever since I started cheering when I was six years old that’s had been my dream. Oh, by the way my name is Isabel and I’m seventeen years old. I currently cheer for Ultimate all stars. I have competed at Worlds before but I have never come close to winning, and it was now my senior year. So, I sent in a video submission of my tumbling, jumps, and stunting to Cheer Extreme all-stars, a very big and famous gym in the cheer world. The cheer coach contacted me and told me she wanted me to come to a practice so that I could tryout. My mom booked me a flight for Friday to fly to North Carolina and I was going to stay with a family friend. On Friday my mom drove me to the airport and she took me to my gate. We said goodbye and she told me good luck and that she loved me. Soon after that they called for boarding and I got in line and onto the plane. The flight went alright except that the kid behind kicking my seat, but other than that it was good. Once I got to the airport I went to baggage claim and then went outside where my mom’s friend, Angele, was waiting for me. I got in the car and it was about an hour drive to her house. When I got there Angela mad me dinner and I ate, then she showed me the guest room and I unpacked my bag. Then I fell asleep about an hour later and woke up at 8am because I had practice at 10am. I ate breakfast then went to go get ready. I put on my black Nike Pros and then my teal sports bra. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and then my Silver bow. I slipped my infinities onto my feet, and then tied them. I grabbed my phone and went to the car. Angela drove me to practice and told me good luck. I was so nervous to walk into the gym but I did it. Once I walked in the gym I =saw all of the people that I look up to, Erica, Gabie, and Ashley. The coach walked up to me and gave me a hug and said “Hello” then said they were about to start stretching. Erica and Gabie walked over and introduced themselves to me. They were super nice and told me that I would love being on Senior Elite. We warmed up our tumbling, then started tumbling from four corners. I threw a front punch through to whip double and the tumbling coach told me it was really good. Then we started stunting. I was a flyer which means I’m the one in the air. I hit all of the stunts and I was so happy.

Practice ended and the coach came up to me and said she would love to have me on the team. I was filled with joy and I called my mom and told her, she said she was so poud of me and that she couldn’t wait to see me. When I got back to Angela’s house she also told me that she was proud of me. I had a flight on Sunday to go home so I wouldn’t be able to go to practice on Tuesday which I was sad about. The next day Angela drove me to the airport and said goodbye and that she hoped to see me soon. I went to my gate and got on my plane to go back home.

Once I got off the plane my mom was at the airport to pick me up and she gave a big hug. We walted to the car and talked the entire ride home. When we got home my mom told me that she was thinking about moving up there with me if we could find a house. I was happy that she said that or else I would really miss her. My mom didn’t have a job and my dad was always on business trips so it wouldn’t be a problem. We looked online for houses and found a cute, small house that we both liked. My mom asked Angela if she would go look at it and she did. She said it was a nice house. So, we decided to buy it. A week later we brought all of our things and drove up there. Once we got to the house I ran inside and looked around. I absolutely loved it! I went to practice that night and it went great. We had our first competition this weekend and I was extremely nervous.

At the competition we hit our routine and we won! The Tuesday after that at practice, we warmed up our tumbling and then went into the corners for tumbling. The first double that I threw when I landed I heard a cracking sound and I immediately started crying. My mom took me to the hospital and they took an X-ray of it. I was freaking out because I had finally made the team that I always wanted to be on and I might be out for the season now. The nurse came back and told me that it was only a minor fracture and I would need to be out for a month. I started to calm down now because I knew I would be fine. It was hard not cheering for a month but when I finally could practice again, it was great.

It was April now and I was about to get on the plane to go to Florida for Worlds. I sat next to Erica and Gabie on the plane and it was really fun. When we got there we went to the hotel and changed into our practice wear because we had practice that night. Practice went amazing. Since we had to wake up early the next morning we went back upstairs and took showers then went to sleep.

In the morning we woke up and ate breakfast then started to do our hair and put our uniforms on. The whole team got on the bus to go over to the ESPN Wide World of Sports. When we got there we walked in and went to warm-ups. I went really well but I was still nervous to perform. We were about to go on the floor. When we walked out the crowd was going crazy and my heart was beating a thousand miles an hour. My stunt bobbled in the routine but we saved it and I landed all of my tumbling. After the first day we were in first place but tomorrow was the day that really counted. Again, Warm-ups went good and I felt very confident. That day the routine hit perfect! Now it was time for awards and this was so nerve wrecking. They called 3rd place and it wasn’t us. They called second place and it wasn’t us. Then the announcer said “And, your world champion is… Cheer Extreme Senior Elite! I couldn’t believe what I just heard I was now a World Champion.

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