Betrayl | Teen Ink


December 18, 2013
By lialexisr_ BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
lialexisr_ BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Yeah I just thought you should know what people were saying about you,” Chastity said with sorrow in her eyes. I couldn't believe it. Was it true? Or was it just a product of the usual high school drama?
“Are you sure that she said it, Chastity?” I asked. She nodded.
“I’m really sorry Sara,” she said putting her hand on my shoulder.
“Now you know who you can and can’t trust,” she said with a small smile and walked away. Her words lingered in my head. Becca, my best friend since 7th grade spread a rumor about me? Was this how Banquo felt when Macbeth betrayed him? Or was this how King Duncan felt when Macbeth stuck a dagger through his chest? No. She wouldn't do it. Maybe Chastity was lying.. But I've been best friends with Chastity since the 3rd grade. She wouldn't lie to me… Would she? I decided to just ignore it. That was until Megan, this really quiet girl, came up to me during lunch
“Umm, Sara, look I know we aren't exactly friends. But I think you should know what people are saying about you.. I heard some girls talking about you in the bathroom. I heard one of them ask ‘Who said that!’ and they said someone told them Becca said it… I’m really sorry Sara,” she said blushing.
“Oh my gosh… no thanks.. thanks Megan..” I replied and walked out of the lunch room. A second person? That’s not just a coincidence… Or maybe it is. Maybe Megan heard wrong. I believed that ‘till my last period: Spanish. I heard some girls giggling and I turned to see where it was coming from. There was this group of girls giggling and pointing at me. One of them named Bridget spoke up.
“Wow Sara, good to know you locked lips with half the football team,” she said smirking. That’s what it was!? That’s just a misunderstanding. Why would someone turn it into something it isn't? This is why i hate high school! All the rumors and drama.
“I'm sorry what? You’re one to talk! Your reputations as long as a rap sheet,” I said smirking.. She rolled her eyes.
“At least I have friends who aren't grimy,” she said with a smirk. A third person. Now I know that it’s true. I walked out after the bell and confronted Becca.
“Oh hey Sara,” she said smiling. It crushed me to know she’d do this.
“Becca, I told you that thing about the two football players in confidence..” I said.
We were at a party, my school’s football team won the championship. I was at the party with Becca and Chastity. I lost them and one of the football players came up to me. His name was Justin. We chatted for a bit, and I guess the alcohol got the best of him and he kissed me. I pushed him off and stormed off. A few minutes later his best friend Jake came up to me. He was comforting me and then he kissed me. I pushed him off and left the party overall. I called Becca and told her about the incident.
“Sara…” she said not knowing what to even say.
“I trusted you! How could you betray me like that Becca!” I screamed.
“Sara I’m so sorry! “ she cried.
“You know it’s sad. Betrayal comes from those closest to us. I would never expect you to do this Becca,” I said. I was gonna walk away when she grabbed my arm.
“Let me explain, and if you still don't believe me, then fine,” she said with pleading eyes.
“Fine. Explain.” I replied.
“Okay, so Bridget, her friends and I were talking about the party. And they asked why you left all upset. And I explained what happened. I swear..” She said teary eyed. I sighed. I hated seeing my best friends cry.
“I'm really really sorry Sara..” she said again. I hugged her and she hugged back.
“Why didn't you just come tell me.” I asked.
“I was afraid of what you would say you know?” she said. I nodded. It took a while for me to trust Becca again. But gradually I did. I'm glad we made up and I don’t want to ever feel that betrayed feeling again.

The author's comments:
Sara was living a regular life as a junior in high school. Until she gets news that can change her relationships forever.

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